Insecurities Part 2

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Frank's POV

Gerard painted while I filled out paperwork on our sofa.

"Daddy lookie!" Gerard giggled and turned his painting towards me.

It was Gerard and I.

I had my acoustic guitar and Mitch was playing with the strings as Gerard set his head on my shoulder. The background had a fireplace and the walls behind us were dark red.

"Its beautiful baby, where are we?" I smiled.

"Oh uh-well we're um at our house..." Gerard blushed.

"We're what?"

Gerard bit his lip and avoided my eyes.

"I always see us in a pretty house one day... with Mitch and a thousand other kitties. You could have a music basement, and we can have cool Misfits stuff everywhere." Gerard glanced up at me and quickly looked away.

I smiled and started to tear up.

"I love you, you know that?" I chuckled as the tears trailed down my cheeks.

"Daddy don't cry!" Gerard whined and threw himself in my arms, sitting on my lap.

"I love you too Daddy very much." Gerard mumbled against my neck.

"I got a raise and I want to get a house with you... A pretty one." I smiled down at Gerard.

"Y-You do?" Gerard whimpered as I kissed his cheek.

"I sure do baby. We could have a pretty room, just for my little boy." I smiled as I pinched his cheeks lightly.

He giggled and nuzzles my neck.

"And we can have a more kitties, and a naughty room just for me and you." I smiled as Gerard blushed.

"Wait! On one condition!" Gerard smirked.

"And what's that little one?" I asked as I tucked Gerard's hair behind his ear.

"The's...gotta be pink."

okay so this is also really short, but im trying. anyways i really missed you guys, and im working on I'll Make You Mine, so there will be a chapter for that soon.

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