Glitter Will Be Everywhere

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gerardsdaddy happy birthday!!

Gerard's POV

Sunday was a blur, nothing eventful. Daddy and I made dinner and drew a little.

It was Monday, I had to go to school and Daddy had to go to work. Daddy's first day of work, might I add. I was so proud of him.

I got up before Daddy, letting him sleep in and put Morrissey on the sofa and washed some clothes for Daddy and I. Picked out Daddy's outfit for him. His favorite black jeans his jawbreaker shirt a pair of plain black boxers, and black socks with a black blet.

I folded everything and put it on the bed next to Daddy for when he wakes up. Daddy likes the black, and honestly I liked the black on him. I put on light blue overalls and a pastel pink and baby blue strip shirt under it. I put on my cooking apron to made Daddy and I breakfast.

I made vegan pancakes with fake bacon. Because I know Daddy likes his fake bacon. Daddy being a vegetarian because of his sensitive stomach meant not a lot of meat in the house. Which I didn't mind, but I needed my shaped dinosaurs chicken nuggets.

I set everything on plates, coffee in mugs and on the table.

"Gerard?" I heard Daddy mumble.

I looked up at Daddy to see him in boxers and a black shirt with very messy bed hair.

Ugh Daddy was perfect.

"Morning Daddy!" I cheered and pulled daddy into a hug. He laughed and kissed my head.

"D-Did you make breakfast? Oh fuck did Daddy sleep in again I'm sorry princess." Daddy sighed as I tried to control Daddy's hair failing I giggled and kissed his cheek instead.

"I got up early Daddy it's okay." I smiled and Daddy smiled back.

He looked so sleepy aw.

"Here eat Daddy!" I said and pulled him over to the table and set him in front of his plate, he sighed.

"W-Whats the matter?" I asked. He looked up and me and his eyes softened.

"You're too good for me." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Eat Daddy." I kissed his cheek and sat down across from him were my plate was set.

"Daddy has work today." He said sipping his coffee.

"I know, I have school too." I mumble as Daddy chuckled.

"It's okay princess, Daddy needs something to wear though." He sighed.

"Oh no, I put some clothes on the bed next to you for you to wear today, Daddy." I said taking a bite from my pancakes.

Daddy put down his fork, closed his eyes and sighed.

Is he m-mad?

"I-" I started, but stopped when he opened his eyes and smiled.

"I love you so much." He said as I giggled.

"I love you too Daddy." I smiled as Daddy drank the rest of his coffee and ate the last pieces of pancake.

"Daddy's going to get ready, you eat." Daddy kissed my head and walked back to the bedroom.

"You look cute as usual!" Daddy yelled down the hall.

I giggled and finished eating, picking up Daddy's plate along with mine, and putting it in the dishwasher.

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