Mr. Grumpy Butt

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Gerard's POV

Daddy was super grumpy this morning.

It sucked, so I didn't go to work with him. Which I was regretting because I already missed him, but he would be home any minute.

I just don't know why he's so grumpy, maybe it was something i did?

No Gerard, he's probably just busy.

"Baby I'm home." I heard just after the sound of the door closing.

"Daddy!" I cheered and ran to Frank.

"Hey my there's little boy." Daddy said as he opened his arms.

"Daddy's home!" I giggled as I jumped in Daddy's arms.

"Why didn't my princess come to work with Daddy?" Frank asked.

"I didn't feel good Daddy." I lied.

I didn't want Daddy to think I was being a dumb butt again.

"Is my kitten feeling any better?" Daddy asked as he pulled away from the embrace, looking at me.
"Yes Daddy."

Daddy seemed to be better so I let go of trying to be good and decided I wanted all of Daddy's attention.

"Daddy! I'm bored what are we gonna-"


I looked behind me and Daddy's drink was on the floor.

Oh no, I dropped Daddy's drink.

"Damnit Gerard! Fuck, now I have to clean this up. Go to your room or something." Daddy sighed disappointedly.

My heart sank.

Daddy was mad at me. I'm such a fuck up, he shouldnt be clean that up- it should be me, I'm the bad boy.

No daddy doesn't want to see me.
I backed away, but couldn't go any farther.

My legs wouldn't move. The tears swleed in my eyes as my head dropped.

I couldn't look at Daddy, I saw the tears drop down on my shoes.

I sniffled, and a hiccup came out. I held myself, trying to be smaller, less me.

It didn't work and i let out a whimper.

Please don't look at me Daddy, please Daddy don't look at this stupid boy.

I let out a sob as a reaction to my thoughts.

"Oh baby" I felt warm arms wrap around me.

"Daddy's so sorry, Daddy's a bad man, he's sorry. He didn't mean it, oh baby." He lifted me up and off the floor in his arms, carrying me to the sofa. Setting me down on his lap.

"Daddy's so sorry, please baby don't cry."

I stop crying.

Something else was coming out, something I was holding back.

"No!" I shouted and jumped off Daddy's lap.

"You're mean! a-and I never want to see you again!" I cried and ran off to my room.

An hour went by and all I've done is cry.

I wanted to be mad at him. I wanted to yell, but I didn't mean to.

I needed to apologize.

I unlocked my door, walking out into the living room where I last saw Daddy.

I check the sofa.

He wasn't there.

My heart jumped.

Did he leave me? No, he's got to be in our room.

I checked our bed.

He wasn't there.

Daddy must have left. He must have taken the car and gone to find someone else. Someone prettier and smarter than me.

Daddy was gone.

im so sorry for not updating, but here's a chapter so-
anyway thanks so much for all your comments and votes, it means the world to me-xoxoh

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