Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen: Tepemkau

I smiled brightly as I took in a deep breath of air. It was almost time for Eshe and I to meet and I couldn't wait. I could hardly contain my enthusiasm for it. It was the best time of the day and one I looked most forward to. I passed by a few slaves who were working on a new mural; I nodded my head at them as I walked by. They returned my nod with a bow of their own. I normally wouldn't have bothered to even look at them but ever since I met Eshe, I had a new found respect for them. I now saw the struggles they had to endure each and every day thanks to my father and our guards. I felt sorry for them. It was a harsh life but it had to be done without complaint otherwise nothing would ever get done.

I made my way to our new spot since our old one had been found out by that dog like woman. The air around us was tense and by then I could tell something was very wrong by the look on Eshe's face. I cupped her small face in my large hands. "What is the matter?" I looked into her eyes intently wanting to know what truly bothered her. Her large eyes looked into mine as they began to fill with tears, then without even a warning she removed my hands from her face and took a step back from me. "We need to stop this; I cannot continue this dangerous relationship. I'm sorry to tell you this at such a late time in which we've been seeing each other but I think it is time for us to part ways and go our own way." I opened my mouth to speak "What do you-..." She cut me off before I could even finish my sentence. "Let me finish please... This, this thing we have between us, it can no longer be something. You are a prince of Egypt and I am just a low class slave. I was born a slave and I will always be a slave and when I die, a new slave will be born. I am sorry that I led you on with such foolish feelings. I now see the error in my ways and for that I should be punished." She lowered her head and dropped to her knees. What was she doing? How could she do this to me? What was going through her head that would make her say such hurtful things to me...?

My father... Oh, what a despicable man... He'd found out, that wench had gone to my father and told him all because she wanted something she couldn't have. I clenched my fists tightly, my knuckles paled as I tightened them, my fingernails pressing into the meatier part of my palm. I will make that dung beetle pay for what she's done. She will pay dearly. I leaned down to Eshe, curling my index finger and pressing it against her chin to lift her head up to look at me. "You are far more than just a low class slave. You are Eshe, MY Eshe. You will never be below me no matter what harsh words you say of yourself. I will take care of everything, but please... Please don't stop seeing me, I need you. I need your presence around me or my days will turn to dull and lifeless nights. I cannot go a day without seeing you or your smile. So please, think again on what you are saying." She sighed, the tears she held now fell freely. I wanted so badly to wipe those tears away but she pushed my hand away and left saying one last goodbye. My chest hurt. It felt as if I had been stabbed over and over again. I couldn't take this pain, it wasn't something I was familiar with and I did not like it one bit.

I made my way back to the palace, my anger and pain clear on my face and in my attitude. I was on a mission and a mission I intend to complete. I found the wretched woman sitting outside in the garden fiddling with a flower in her hand. "You cowardly spoiled brat! How could you go to my father? Do you not know what he could do to her? Are you that so insecure of yourself? You're pathetic and to think that you would ever have a chance with me is laughable. I hate women like you. I would rather welcome death a thousand times over than to ever share a title with you." Her eyes widened at my harsh words. Sure, they were harsh but at this moment I couldn't care less, she ruined something good in my life. Something that had finally given my life meaning, she ruined everything.

"How dare you speak to me that way!" I scoffed. "How dare I speak to you that way? Ha-ha. You deserve far worse for your treachery wench. I should have you killed and believe me, I could have you killed but because I am not as pathetic as you, I'm sparing you that horror. You will go to my father and you will tell him you lied about it! You will tell him that you made a mistake; you will say that Eshe and I are nothing more than just mere friends. If you don't, you will regret this night." She laughed. "Oh please, Prince Tepemkau. You do not scare me, but go ahead... Try and have me killed. You and your precious little slave will soon follow. The affair between a slave and a higher class is punishable by death. Meaning she and her family will all be slaughtered and if you're lucky, you won't be slaughtered either, but from the looks of it, your father just might do away with you too." She laughed shaking her head tossing her hair over her shoulder. "So go ahead and threaten me all you like. You should be glad that I didn't make up lies to have her killed already. If you want her to live, stop being a foolish man and leave her be. You are fated to me, not that low life scrap of nothing. You will end your time with her and you will marry me and in return I will bear you a son. If not? Well, I'm sure you don't want to know what will happen if you refuse me." Oh how I despised this woman greatly. I clenched my fists and walked away. I needed to leave this room before I do something that I know I will regret later.

I walked towards the bathing chambers and allowed myself a long soak while I tried to think of something that would allow Eshe and I to stay together. I just hoped it didn't involve death.

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