Chapter Twenty-Five

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Chapter Twenty-Five: Tahirah 

 When I awoke the next morning I found that I was in the prince's bed alone. He was gone. I sighed and sat up wrapping the blankets around my frame and looked around. I couldn't believe I had actually done it. I managed to get the prince to sleep with me. I smiled wide. It was a great accomplishment, granted he was very drunk but none the less, it was still an accomplishment. I knew after last night I would have him crawling on his hands and knees for me.

Last night was the most fun I've had in years and one of the most incredible feelings I'd ever felt in my life. I knew he would be a good lover but I hadn't realized he'd been an amazing lover. I hadn't ever slept with a man before last night but now, I don't think I will be able to have enough of him. I wanted to feel him inside of me again; I wanted to feel our bodies becoming one. I shivered at the feeling I remembered so very vivid from last night. I bit my lip running my hand along my exposed thigh. "Oh prince Tepemkau..." I sighed happily as I continued to think of us together again.

Once I was fully dressed I sought out the prince but I couldn't find him anywhere, not even in the training room. Where could he have gone? I stomped my foot and left. After what felt like an eternity in searching for him, I spotted him entering the palace. I quickly rushed to his side and locked my arms around his with a smile. "I've been looking all over for you. I just wanted to let you know that I had so much fun last night. Did you?" I looked up at him and grinned. He narrowed his eyes at me and roughly removed his arm from my grip which made me gasp. "You vile woman, how could you do this to me?!" I blinked at his words. "How dare you talk to me like that after I shared something special with you last night!" He scoffed. "Shared something special with me? Ha! The only thing you did was ruin my life and now because of you, I probably have some kind of illness!" I gasped and placed my hand against my chest. "How dare you say such foul things about me! I will have you know that up until last night I had never been with any man! You were my first and only man!" I gritted my teeth and glared at him crossing my arms across my chest and spun away stalking off in such a rage.

How dare he call me tainted; I was not dirty nor did I carry any illnesses. I am completely healthy. I clutched my hands into tight fists as I stormed off heading to my bedroom chambers. I was going to make this pig-headed prince love me if it was the last thing I would do on this earth. He would bow down to me and he will worship the ground I walk on. Even if that means having to have that wretched slave girl taken care of in more than just separation. Yes, that is exactly what I will do... I will find a way to get rid of her so that not even she can run into him while he wandered off the palace grounds. I smirked to myself as I began to concoct a devious plan on how to get rid of her. I swear by the god of Ra, I will have him even if it means no one having him... 

Prepare to meet your worst nightmare you filthy slave. 

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