Chapter Thirty

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Chapter Thirty: Guards 

We managed to track down the prince. Just as expected by the Pharaoh he was meeting the slave in secrecy. They crept about the temple of Osiris sneaking a kiss or two every couple of minutes. They mostly spoke about a life outside of Pharaoh Runihurah's rule; a life where they could live together in peace and not have to worry about the Pharaoh's wrath. To even think such a horrendous thought was breaking the rules of our Pharaoh. We had to report this to him quickly before they had other ideas.

We stayed for a while longer listening in on their conversation before we knew it was time to head back to the palace and tell the Pharaoh about our findings. We made sure a few of us stayed back just in case they were to go to another place. "We have done as you asked. We followed the Prince Tepemkau and we were surprised to see that he is still meeting with that slave we brought to you. They were speaking blasphemy." The Pharaoh looked at me and my men; we could clearly see the anger in his eyes. The Pharaoh was a very intimidating man even for my men and I. We had been trained for battle and that look he had in his eyes was terrifying. It made me feel as if my body would turn to stone if he continued to stare at me and my men as he did. I could feel my body wanting to hunch and lower to the ground with each passing second that seemed to drag on in silence as we awaited his next order.

"What is this blasphemy they were speaking?" He looked me dead in the eyes as he waited for my response. I cleared my throat. "They were speaking of another life, a life without you in rule. They spoke of happiness in you not being around. I think they may be planning something terrible my Pharaoh." He placed a hand over his chin and tilted his head slightly to one side as if in deep thought. "A life without me in rule... I see... Very well then... A life without me in rule they shall have." He began to pace back and forth, his hands twined together behind his back as he contemplated his next order. He stopped before us. "You and your men are done for now. Bring me Amon and his men. I need to speak with them." I nodded and bowed my head leaving my Pharaoh alone as I went in search for the royal guards.

"Amon, the Pharaoh wishes to speak to you and your men. It is urgent." I finally managed to find Amon his men; they had been sharpening their weapons in the training room where the Prince often trained. "Thank you, Amenkno. I shall be going now." I nodded my head to him and watched as he and his men left the room. The decision the Pharaoh came to must have been a very special one for him to need his personal royal guards. Nonetheless, the situation would be dealt with shortly and everything would now go back to as how it should be.

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