Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight: Eshe

The sun shone brightly over Egypt as I walked from my home to where I worked. It was the same routine as always. Home, work, home, sleep, home, work, home and sleep. Once in a while something different would happen but it wouldn’t change up the routine much. I needed something new; I was growing tired of it always being the same. I sighed deeply as I crossed over the small bridge that separated our homes from the wealthy side and the palace. I figured I would grab some water before I headed over to my station.

As usual the kind old woman was there handing out water and she greeted me as she usually did. With a smile she handed me my water and wished me a good day and then we parted for the rest of the day or until I needed to come back for a refill. I slowly walked to my station, water in hand. Then, suddenly a large hard thing stopped me dead in my tracks causing me to spill some of my water, “Watch where you’re going slave!” I blinked and looked up to see what it was that I had hit and to my unfortunate surprise it was one of the guards.

I swallowed hard and put my head down, “I am truly sorry sir. I did not mean to spill water on your feet or walk into you. It will not happen again…” I kept my head down knowing if I would pick it up to look at him again it would seal my fate. “You’re right about that, it won’t happen again. I’ll be teaching you a lesson you shall never forget.”

He grabbed me by the neck lifting my head up to stare him in the face. “Well, well, well aren’t you a pretty little slave girl.” He smirked as he stared me up and down; I could feel his dark eyes boring in to mine with such horrid thoughts. I didn’t need to be a sorceress to know what he was thinking. I’d heard about the guards taking advantage of the prettier slave girls. They’d take them to some place quiet and remote where not even their screams could be heard. I swallowed hard once more taking a step back which only made him tighten his grip on my throat making me gasp. I had been fortunate to not have such a fate brought on to me but now, I’m not so sure…

He grabbed the pot of water and tossed it aside making it crash into a rock and shattering it to pieces spilling the water everywhere. He released my throat and grabbed me by the arm and dragged me away, I knew resisting would only get me killed and so I allowed him to lead me away. I could feel the eyes of the other slaves upon me, watching in horror as they knew what fate lied in for me. I could only hope that by some miracle I would be saved though, I knew countless woman who wished for the same only to be left disappointed and husbandless because they had been violated and no man wanted a woman who had already been touched by another man. It was improper and labeled the woman as an adulterous even if it hadn’t been her fault.

The Pharaoh had his own share of women he’d turned into his concubines but only because it was okay, he was of noble nature and because of his title he could do what he wanted to whomever he wanted. It was truly unfair; life seemed to always be unfair…

The sudden feeling of pain rushing through my back pulled me out of my reverie as the guard shoved me against a large rock, the point of it stabbing me in the middle of my back causing me to whimper in pain. The guard moved closer to me, his arms on either side of me as if he were using them as a cage to keep me inside. I looked up at him, fear in my eyes which only seemed to edge him on further. “When I’m through with you, you’ll come begging for more.”

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine roughly. I squirmed and moved my head away to break the kiss; I should have just let him. I felt the sharp sting of his large hand striking me across the face. I yelped out, this is my chance, I need to run! Once again, I should’ve stayed still. I felt his strong grip on my arm yank me back towards him, he tossed me to the ground and laid down on top of me, pushing my legs open with his knees. His large body hovering over my small one, the fear in my eyes was now more prominent. Surely I would either die or be violated none of which suited my liking.

Time seemed to slow as I awaited my fate and though I fought my hardest to not let him do what he wanted, I was too small and weak to fight him off. I watched helplessly though my screams still seemed to echo through my ears as he began to fiddle with the fabric of his clothing to seal the deal in which would forever change a woman. I tightened my hands into balls and turned my head shutting my eyes only to open them at the sound of a voice breaking through my screams and then, I saw him… It was prince Tepemkau, he was standing there staring down at me and down at the guard who still had me pinned to the ground, my dress pulled up almost all the way to reveal everything.

“Release her at once!” Tears streamed down my face as the guard sneered and stood up fixing himself quickly. “I-I’m sorry prince… It was her fault, she seduced me!” I sat up quickly trying to hide myself but it was no use, there was nothing or nowhere to hide, I was bare and exposed for the entire world to see and yet, I still had my clothing on. I was far more fortunate than some other slaves and yet, I still felt as if I’d been violated and naked.

“Silence, I will hear no more of it. You shall be punished and put to death by order of the prince!” I shuddered at his words; they seemed to reverberate through my body like ice. I huddled into myself as he walked closer to me, his hand extended towards me. “You’re alright. Don’t worry; I’m not going to hurt you. I’m here to help you.” I looked at his hand in fear but somehow, deep inside of me, I knew what he was saying was true, I knew he wasn’t going to hurt me. Had he wanted to, he could have done so. I placed my hand in his and stood up slowly, my head bowed down to him. He lifted my head to look at him but my eyes could not meet his.

I couldn’t stare at him without feeling shame. “It’s alright. Let’s get you out of here.” It was then that my opinion on him changed. I knew him to be a ruthless and arrogant person, but that man standing beside me now, was not who I thought he was. The man I knew and hated would have never helped me or been so kind to me. I’d witnessed a dozen times how cruel he can be and yet, here I am with him and he has yet to hurt me or speak to me in any ill form. Can I truly be wrong about the prince or was he just toying with me and my real fate was about to show itself to me?

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