Chapter Twenty- Eight

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Chapter Twenty- Eight: Tepemkau

 I was glad when Eshe said we could go back to how we were before. I had been dying to hear these very words. I needed them just like I needed her in my life. This time I would need to make sure we were never caught. Perhaps we she and I could run away and never come back. I would give up everything just to have another moment with her. My title and honor seemed so trivial to me now that she was in my life. I learned that this girl was now the most important thing in my life and I would be damned if I didn't keep her safe and make sure we spent the rest of our lives together.

We managed to make the temple of Osiris our new meeting spot because of how much she loved the story behind it. I even managed to sneak her into my bedroom chambers a few times but never staying there for too long. The princess was still constantly on my case about caring for her and our marriage ceremony closely rounding the corner. I was beginning to grow intolerable to her incessant nagging and constant chatter of irrelevant topics. My father was not all too pleased with this notion either. He had spoken to me numerous times of how I should be treating her and that no matter how much I disliked her, I would grow to love her once she became round with my child.

The more he spoke of the princess and I consummating our marriage the more I wanted to get far from here. Each time we spoke of this, I could feel the bile rise in my throat as I remembered the night she and I slept together. I shuddered at the thought. How could I have been so impaired by the alcohol that I would allow her to touch me in such a way? I clutched my hands into tight fists as I tried to calm myself before I would give away what had happened between the two of us. "I understand father. I will try harder to care for her." My father sighed and nodded his head and motioned for me to leave his presence. I nodded to him and left. I needed to get out of this palace, I needed some air. Hopefully I could sneak a glance or a meeting with my true love.

I made my way to her station passing slowly by it sneaking a glance towards her. I smiled down at her as I watched her skillfully work her hands around the pottery she had been making. I had seen her do this dozens of times but each time I watched her, I became mesmerized by the art of it. I had never done such a thing before, being a royal; I didn't have use for pottery making skills and so I was never taught to do it I don't think my father or mother even know how to make such a thing. I laughed to myself. They call the slaves ignorant and yet, these people seemed to know how to do a lot of things without having such education as we were given. What a pity I thought, perhaps when I became pharaoh I would abolish this idiotic rule and allow any person wanting an education to be allowed such a privilege. I would even have them helped if they couldn't afford their education. I wanted to become the best pharaoh to have ever lived. Yes, that's right... I was going to be the greatest pharaoh to ever rule over Egypt just you wait and see; there were going to be some definite changes when I became ruler.

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