Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Chapter Twenty- Nine: Pharaoh Runihurah

 The hatred my son held for the princess Tahirah seem to grow each day. I could see the anger towards her clear in his eyes each time she passed him by or spoke to him. I had asked the princess to get closer to Tepemkau, I asked her to charm him over but all she seemed to make him do is hate her even more than when she had first gotten here. This was going to be quite troublesome if he didn't begin to feel one ounce of love for her. The god's were going to look down upon us and think we are not worthy enough to be royalty. I sighed placing my hands behind my back as I left my throne and went in search of my son. There seemed to be a lot of changes in that boy lately and I was beginning to grow suspicious of his ever swinging moods.

"Have you seen the prince?" I continued to ask about in my own palace. Since when did a pharaoh ask for his own son? This was a very disgruntling notion. I needed to get to the bottom of these mood changes in my son and where he continued to disappear off to every day. I stopped mid-step as I then began to realize just how familiar this sounded to me and the anger in me began to rise. I warned her... I warned her very clearly about the repercussions of her actions and she still thought to defy my explicit orders?! How dare she mock me! How dare she think she could defy me and get away with it!

"Guards!" A line of guards stood in front of me ready for any order I would give no matter how big or small it may be. They were there to serve me and only me. "Yes, my pharaoh?" I looked to each man taking in their strong bodies and chiseled features. "I want you to follow my son. Make sure you are not seen. I want to know exactly what he is doing every moment of the day. I want to know who he sees, what he does and what he says. Do I make myself clear?" They looked to one another before turning their attention back to me with a hard nod of their heads. "We understand my Pharaoh. We will not let you down." I nodded my head as I dismissed them. Now we shall see what that child is up to and we shall then get to the bottom of this once it has been confirmed that he and that slave are still conversing with one another. The thought of this brought more anger to the surface. I should have known my son would go after her no matter how much I did in my power to keep them separated. I underestimated his emotion for this slave. 

Nonetheless, I will fix this and make sure nothing else goes wrong and falls out of my hands again. This is where I put my foot down and put an end to it once and for all! I will be damned if I continue to allow my son the life he wishes he could have with such a pathetic existence in life. They were nothing but slaves, poor people who would never amount to anything but a rotting corpse in the hot sand. Once a slave always a slave and when one dies another will always be born that was their life and a life they will continue to have until the end of days. The higher class will always come out on top because that is how we were created to be. The gods were the ones who chose how we lived and we lived to rule over the lower class and as that is how it shall pass until the end of time.

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