Chapter Nine

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Chapter Nine: Tepemkau

I watched silently as the girl shook in fear before me. Did she not trust me? Did she not trust the word of a prince? Of course she didn’t. She of all people knew how I treated people like her; I didn’t dare look at them let alone help them in these sorts of situations. I’d heard rumors of guards taking advantage of the slave women but I’d never once cared enough to find out the truth behind these said rumors and yet, as I looked down at this one, I couldn’t help but feel sorry for her, had I not come this way who knew what fate lied in store for her.

I slowly knelt down and stretched my hand out to her and nodded my head reassuringly. “I promise I’m not here to hurt you.” It took a few more seconds of utter silence and staring before she carefully placed her small fragile calloused hand in mine, I wrapped my large strong hand around hers and slowly lifted her up off the ground. She gasped softly in what I could only assume was fear and caution. She stared up at me in disbelief and yet behind that I could see the feel of relief and gratitude. I knew she thanked me with her very being that I had come and saved her from the guard.

“T-thank you.” She finally spoke and I could feel my heart start to pound in my ears. I blinked and looked down at my chest then back at her in confusion but quickly regained my composure and with a clear of my throat I responded back. “You’re welcome.” She stared at me in awe and wonder, wonder what I would do next? We stood there, her hand still in mine, I hadn't realized this until she lightly tugged her hand out of my grasp. I looked down at my empty hand then looked back at her. Again my heart seemed to pound loudly in my ears. What was happening to me? Why did my heart act in such an odd manner? Could I possibly be coming down with some sort of sickness of the heart? Another moment of silence passed. “T-thank you again, Prince Tepemkau, but I must be getting back to work before the guards come.”

I watched as she bit her lip with fear, the guards had her frightened and with in good reason, I knew the guards were rough with the slaves, just the other day I watched a guard whip a man till he could no longer move thus causing him to grow even angrier and beat the old man. The life of a slave was a horrible one, they suffered so much pain and yet, before then I couldn't even care less and now, staring at this girl I felt as if all their worry and pain bared down upon my broad shoulders. I didn't know what else to do and so, I nodded my head allowing her to leave. “Go ahead.” She gave me a soft smile before walking past me to leave. I couldn't help but turn and watch her walk away, with a feeling of sorrow. Why did I feel such pain as she walked away? I sighed heavily and soon followed suit leaving the unconscious guard on the ground by the boulder in which he'd hit.

I watched this girl walk farther and farther away from me with each graceful step she took. I felt my chest tighten as a small pang of hurt washed over me once she was now out of my sight. I shook my head. What was really going on with me? Why did my body act this way with her? Was she a sorceress as well? Could this simple slave girl cast a spell on me? Could she have caused my body to disobey me? No, she doesn’t seem the type to do such things. I sighed. I must be losing my mind or coming down with something, Yes, that’s it… I’m coming down with an illness. Perhaps sleep will solve this confusion.

I walked across the sand heading back to home for a hot bath and hopefully, a goodnights rest, everything should be cleared up by the morning. At least, that is what I was hoping would happen; Gods forbid that I would continue to have such odd feelings; one thing would be for sure. If I awoke with the same odd sensations then I would definitely be ill and would need immediate attention.

Finding my way home was as easy as barking out orders to the petty slaves. I made my way to my bedroom chambers before exiting and heading toward the washroom when I’d run into that god awful woman. “I’ve been searching for you all day, where have you been? I wanted to spend some time with you.” She whined. I couldn’t help but roll my eyes and mentally strangle her. “I was busy doing things elsewhere, not that it is of your concern woman.” My tone had been a lot more harsh than I had intended it to be, but no matter my mood she always seemed to turn it bad or worse whichever the case may be, she made it bad. She pouted at me and ran her hand down my arm before locking her bony fingers with my own. I looked down to our interlocked hands then back to her face. “Come, I will wash your back for you. You could use a nice relaxing bath after the day you’ve had I would assume?” Well, she was right about one thing… I could a relaxing bath but without her it would be the most relaxing one I could have, she would just ruin it with her presence alone. “I’d rather bathe alone. It isn’t customary for a man and woman who are not yet wed to be seen with one another especially if the other is not dressed. I will see you once I get out.” I left without another word being said, I removed my hand from hers and walked away, leaving her standing there watching my back as I walked farther and farther away from her. 

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