Chapter Four

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Chapter Four: Tahirah’s PoV

A husband, a man I did not know would be the one and only person I would be with for the rest of my life. I was still young and I did not want to marry just yet. I wanted the life a young Princess deserved. Where I would be lavished in expensive gifts, a life where men would fawn over me knowing that they could never have me in this life or in the next. A smile crept over my lips as I thought about all the handsome men who would be at my feet begging to have just one second with me.

A husband… A sigh left my golden lips, perhaps he shall be worth it. In just a few days time I shall meet this husband of mine and on that day I shall decide whether he is worth being my husband or not. And if he is not, I will make sure that I do not marry him. I, Tahirah, Nubian princess shall not be cast aside and married off to the first Pharaoh to be if he is not truly worth such a hand as sacred and beautiful as mine.

“Father, I crave a word with you.” I turned up my perfectly shaped nose to him as I have done so many times before when I didn’t agree to his terms. He sighed. “What is it my daughter?” I crossed my arms over my well developed chest and huffed lightly to him. “What do you know of this Prince Tepemkau?” I arched a brow as I awaited his answer. He looked to me curiously for a moment before responding.

“I know he is the son of the Great Runihura, Pharaoh of all Egypt.” I rolled my eyes. “Yes, yes… That I already know. What else?” He sighed again. “I hear that he is a great warrior, he does nothing but train his body for any battle that could be lurking at every corner.” I stared blankly at him for a second. A great warrior? Why would I want a husband who would rather go to war than to bathe me in riches as I so rightfully deserve.

I focused my attention back to my father. “Anything else?” He pursed his lips then tapped his chin. “Ah, yes. I hear he is also very good looking or so I’ve heard. A few of the maids have said he’s got the body of the Gods and hair like a raven’s wing that spirals down around his broad shoulders.”  “Hm. Perhaps he might be worth looking at. Father, I hope you do realize that if Prince Tepemkau and I do not go well I will cause a scene and make sure that he and I are to never be placed in the same room again.”

He sighed and shook his head. “Tahirah, you may not cause a ruckus during this visit. You will marry Prince Tepemkau whether you see him fit or not and you will bear him a son!” I narrowed my eyes at my father. How dare he raise his voice at me, I’m a delicate flower who must be spoken to in soft whispers. I stomped my foot. “You will not raise your voice at me father!” His brows furrowed. “And you will mind your manners. Do not forget that I am the one who decides whether I want to keep you as my daughter or not. You will do well to remember that and remember it well.”

I gasped. He’d never spoken to me in such a way before. What was wrong with him? I pouted, I could feel the water beginning to sting my eyes and before my father could even mutter another word, I ran off, the tears already spilling over and ruining my makeup. Fine. If he wanted me to be the perfect daughter, then the perfect daughter I shall be. I huffed as I wiped away the tears and the smearing of the makeup. 

The days had come and went just as the nights had come and gone. It was finally time to visit the Pharaoh and his family; I felt the nerves and excitement building within me. I had gone about asking what the prince was like and even managed to find someone who’d seen him face to face. From what they said he was extremely good looking. A man suitable for a woman of my looks, my only hope was that I would not be disappointed. I had the servants make me look more than just presentable. I had them make look like wife material as well as trophy like. After all, I was a trophy that should be shown off as much as possible. I would make this prince fall head over heels for me or so help me Gods. 

We arrived at their palace a half a day later. The ride over had been a long one and heated one at that, it seemed like the sun knew that I was traveling and decided to shine as bright as it possibly could as if it were shining only for me. I smiled at that thought. It was if the sun was my very own spot light. I cherished the thought. My father introduced himself then my mother and of course he saved the best for last, me.

“And this is our daughter, Tahirah.” He gave a sweeping motion towards me with his arm. I bowed my head in respect for the man standing before me. “Welcome to my home. I hope you will enjoy your stay.” I smiled and bowed my head once more. “Thank you, Pharaoh. I am sure we will find it just as comfortable as our own.” He smiled at me. “I must say, what a beautiful daughter you have. I heard the rumors of beauty but seeing her standing before me gives the rumors no justice.” He chuckled softly and I could only grin inwards. I hadn’t even spoken many words to this man and already did I have him wrapped around my delicate little pinky. Perhaps his son shall be just as easy.

We wandered the halls of the large palace listening to the stories behind the drawings on the walls; I even caught a few glimpses of the infamous Prince. He was in fact handsome and strong looking in these drawings. “Allow me to have the servants call forth my son so you two shall meet.” I nodded with a smile. “Call my son. Tell him to meet us in the ceremony room. There shall he find us.” The servant bowed her head and quickly scurried off. I rolled my eyes. Disgusting looking woman she was. How the Pharaoh could allow such a hideous beast to work in his home was beyond me. The pharaoh should only allow beautiful women to work in his home; it was after all large and marvelous place.

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