Chapter Thirty- Four

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Chapter Thirty- Four: Eshe

I waited for Tepemkau in our usual spot where we met to be together without anyone knowing. It was in one of the temple of Osiris, it was my favorite of the temples and thus, he chose for us to meet here. The walls were lined with different hieroglyphs that told the story of Osiris and his reign. I loved reading it over and over again. It was one of my favorites of course it was unfair to Anubis that Osiris had taken his title but they still fought side by side and that was fine by me. I heard the sound of footsteps approaching and turned around thinking it was Tepemkau only it wasn't. It was the Pharaoh's royal guards. They must be here to warn me to stay away from the Prince. It wasn't the first time and I tried to stay away but he would not let me. Before I could speak my family's old friend spoke first.

"I am sorry to have to do this to you." And without another word he pulled his sword out and plunged it into my stomach. I gasped as he pulled the sword out and placed my hands over my stomach. I shut my eyes as I slowly fell to my knees then to the ground. The guard couldn't even look at me as he walked away but not before speaking again. "The Pharaoh sends his regards..." The Pharaoh... Such an evil man he truly is. But where was Prince Tepemkau? Did he know his father was going to do this? Was he being detained? Or had he too been slain by his own father's hand? So many thoughts floating around in my head as I lay there slowly dying. I knew I would not have much longer to live, I could feel the very life of me fading with each passing second. My blood coated my hands and the sand beneath my curled body. I never given thought to how I would die but as I lay here thinking about it now, I never saw myself in this type of position. I just hope that the guard's face wasn't going to be the last thing I ever saw.

I needed to see Prince Tepemkau; I needed him to know what happened. Just then another sound of approaching footsteps could be heard. "Eshe!" I smiled inward, it was him. He was okay. He ran to my side and lifted me up into his arms as carefully and gently as he could without hurting me more. "Who did this to you?!" I could hear the anger and hurt clear in his voice. My voice barely coming out in whispered gasps. "Your... Father..." He pulled me into him tightly pressing his lips to mine repeatedly. "I am so sorry... I should have never let this happen. I was not strong enough to save you. Please, please forgive me." I looked up at him and smiled as best as I could. "I... c-c-could n-never b-be m-mad at you..." I saw the tears leaving his eyes and running down his cheeks. My poor Prince Tepemkau, he would be left alone with a woman he did not love until his time came.

I let out a gurgling gasp as my life was reaching its end. "I promise; I will have my revenge. I will avenge your death and kill all those who took part in this." I shook my head as best I could. "D-don't f-fret my l-love. They are n-not w-worth my life..." More tears spilled over landing on my cheeks which in turn caused my own tears to fall down the sides of my eyes. Though this was my end, I couldn't help but feel sorry for my Prince. He never had anything in his life he cared about so much until now only for it to be taken away from him so quickly. I wish things weren't as they were, but alas... I am only a slave girl and I do not have the authority to change such rules. I reached up a bloodied hand and cupped his face. "I love you..." I felt my life finally slip away from me, the light no longer day but filled with night.

"Eshe... No, please come back to me! Eshe!" As my hearing faded all I could hear were the screams of a broken and shattered Prince of Egypt. My only wish was that I could have heard him tell me the words I'd longed for him to say. Perhaps in another life we would have our chance to be one. I was not angry with the God's; I had no reason to be. But I despised his father with such hate that it was barely containable. I hope my family would be okay without me, they were strong people. I would watch over them and protect them; I made that my solemn oath to my family for all they did for me. As for my Prince, I would watch over him and let him know I still love him. Nothing in this world or the next could ever change that, nor would I ever let it...

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