Chapter Six

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Chapter Six Tahirah’s PoV

I waited patiently for Prince Tepemkau to show his face in the ceremony hall where my family and I sat with the Pharaoh and his queen. I’d heard rumors of his looks and physique but I would rather much witness such things myself. I had also heard of his horrid attitude and if he so much as spoke to me in a way that I did not like I would make sure to have him changed in a moment. I would make sure to have him eating out of the palm of my hand by the time we are to be married. No man, not even a prince of Egypt is going to treat me in such a manner.

After what seemed like a century, he strode into the ceremony hall with such importance and nobility that I almost fainted. His looks were far more than just what was rumored. He was tall, lean with just the perfect amount of muscle and long black silky locks of hair. His eyes were dark that held many secrets behind them, he looked almost too perfect in my eyes and then he spoke. “Hello. It is a pleasure.” I could hear the sound of disgust behind the façade that he was putting up for his father and for the sake of my family. This will simply not do. I must put on my charms and make him mine. I giggled softly, “I see the rumors too have no justice to your looks, Prince Tepemkau.” I turned to hear the Pharaoh chuckle. “I had just said the very same thing.”

We all chuckled quietly only he seemed to bark out a laugh which only made me think he did not find me attractive enough, that too will have to change. I am a Princess; I am more than just beautiful. We hadn’t been married yet and already he was becoming a rude toad. Nonetheless, I will have to continue with my plans in making him want me. I sat and smiled, lightly tried to pick up a conversation with him but he only seemed to not care or want to speak to me. “Perhaps after dinner you can give me a tour of your lovely home?” He looked to me and nodded. “Of course.” Well, at least that small trap has been set, now to just come up with something else. I pondered my ways all through dinner speaking only when spoken to as I allowed my thoughts to wander and allowed the adults to speak amongst themselves.

After, dinner I wandered the halls with the prince not fully paying attention to the stories I’d asked him to tell me, they were all so boring and I could tell he too thought the same thing. Eventually, our tour ended and he excused himself to go and train. I of course could not turn down seeing something like that and so, I followed quietly behind him and watched him move flawlessly for hours.

I grew bored once I knew he wasn’t going to pay any attention to me and so I left and wandered about for a while until a plan came to mind. As I walked the halls of the palace I passed by two slave women who had been painting pictures on the wall. “You there, slave girl.” I called out to her. “Y-yes princess?” I sneered at the very sight of her and her atrocious colored face. It would seem that this girl was constantly getting into trouble by the fading colors of black, purple, and yellow contoured the side of her face. “Take me to prince Tepemkau’s bath chambers. I wish to bathe now.” The girl nodded her head to me and cleaned her hands. “This way, princess.”

She walked on and stopped just before a large open area surrounded by candles and golden statues. The round bath had already been filled with water and lightly colored petals adorned the entire stone circle. I smiled and turned to look at the slave. “You may go now.” I turned my nose up to her as I entered the room and began stripping myself of my clothing and slowly stepped inside the perfectly tempered water.

“Mmm, the smell of lilacs and roses…” I swayed my hand from side to side, the petals sticking to my wet skin and flowing off once the water hit them again. I felt so relaxed and at peace in the water, I had been here for only a couple of hours and already I felt like it was home. I grinned at the thought. Suddenly, the sound of strong footsteps broke me out of my thoughts and as I spun around to see who had entered I was surprised yet glad to see it was the prince himself.

Pretending to be surprised I yelped and grabbed the nearest silk cloth and wrapped it around my frame but not before allowing the prince to catch a glimpse of what was to be seen underneath my garments of clothing. Round supple breasts that seemed to be perfectly shaped for a woman of my stature, perky and smooth to the touch. I could see how they lined against the fabric that I pressed to my chest tightly. “Oh!”  I watched his eyes widen before he quickly spun around. “I… I apologize. I didn’t expect to find you in my washing chambers.” I smirked triumphantly. “Yes, I was told to use your chambers while the others were being cleaned. I’m sorry, perhaps I should have had one of the servants stand guard outside.”

I feigned embarrassment only I knew it was far from embarrassment. He cleared his throat. Pardon me, Princess. I shall take my leave now and leave you to your time.” I watched as he walked away and I couldn’t help but tsk. My body is perfect; he should have had more of a reaction then that. I huffed and crossed my arms across my chest after flinging the fabric to a side. He might be a little harder to crack but I will not give up on winning him over. There has to be something that I can do to make him mine. Until I find what that is, I just may have to actually pretend to want to know him.

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