Chapter Thirty- Three

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Chapter Thirty- Three: Royal Guards

I did not want to have this job. I couldn't deal with the look on the faces of this poor girl's family. I'd known them for years, even knew this girl since she was a small child; always so full of life, always smiling and laughing despite the situation. I sighed and called the other royal guards such as myself. I knew if I did not carry out the Pharaoh's orders I would be held accountable and my own life would be hanging in the balance. I have a family to feed; I cannot afford to not carry out his wishes whatever they may be. I took a deep breath and looked to each guard standing in front of me awaiting orders.

"The Pharaoh has asked us to carry out a death sentence. We are to take care of the slave girl the Prince has been cavorting about with." They looked to me and nodded. "Let us go now, men. Gather your swords." I grabbed my khepesh and placed it into its own homemade sheathe and lead the small group of men to where the slave girl always met the Prince. He hadn't shown his face yet which gave me and my men just enough time to do what we came to do and leave without being seen. I gripped the hilt of my khepesh tightly, my knuckles turning white from how tightly I clutched it. She turned to face us thinking it was the Prince, the look on her face said it all as to what she was feeling.

"Please forgive me for what I am about to do..." Without another word, I pulled my sword out and in a swift movement I rammed it into her gut. The sword slide into her with such ease, it gave little to no effort. A small gasp left her lips as the sword penetrated and pulled out. I shut my eyes and turned to leave. "The Pharaoh sends his regards..." I walked away along with my men before anyone could see us though I knew they would keep their mouths shut if they had. I could not deal with the look that would soon cross his face once he saw her this way.

The poor girl was thrown on the ground holding her stomach, her blood coating her gown and the sand beneath her. She didn't have much longer before she would completely bleed out and slip into the afterworld. "Sir, are you alright?" I turned my head away from my men. "I am fine." I left them back at the head of the gate while I looked for the Pharaoh, as usual I found him up on the balcony looking down at the rest of the slaves who worked down below till the sun set over Egypt. "The deed has been done my liege. The slave girl is no more." He turned to look at me, the smile on his face said he was very proud and was glad that he no longer had to deal with her. "Good, good. You and your family shall eat very well tonight. Here is your pay and the others. You may take your leave now." I bowed my head respectfully after taking his blood money and walked away, I could no longer stand to look at this man.

I handed my men their pay and left home to see my family. I needed their comfort in this difficult time. I shook my head with a heavy sigh and walked inside shutting the door behind me. "You're home early." I looked up into the eyes of my wife and wrapped my arms around her waist, burying my face into her. She wrapped her own hands around me, stroking my head gently. "What is the matter?" She asked in deep concern. "I just did something I will never be able to take back..." She knelt down in front of me, her hands holding my own. "What did you do?" Her eyes full of worry.

"I killed a girl today because the Pharaoh wanted it done..." She gasped and wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Who was it?" I sighed again. "Tell me, love. Who was it?" "Eshe... The Prince Tepemkau's lover..." Her frame became tense. "Why? Why did the Pharaoh want her killed?!" I looked up at her, tears building in my own eyes. "Because she was a liability when it came to the Prince, He is to marry Princess Tahirah and because he loves her, he refuses to marry the Princess..." She shook her head. "That man takes things too far sometimes... I wish I could just..." "Don't, don't finish that sentence or I will have to turn you in..." She nodded softly and continued to hold me soothing me with one of her many songs that she would sing to our children when she put them to bed. I did not know how I would be able to face that girl's family ever again. I was forever doomed to see that girls face in my dreams.

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