Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven: Tepemkau

Several days had passed since the whiny fiancée to be and her family came. I begged the gods to send them away but they did not hear my demands. As the days came and I went I became more and more agitated by the presence of that vile creature who continued to follow me about like some helpless animal. If it were up to me, I would have sent them away the moment they arrived.

I knew from the moment I met Tahirah I would not love her, nor would I care for her even if she gave me a son. I could never allow myself for feel something for a person I despised with such hatred that I would rather find my peace in death. I sighed deeply letting my head fall back against the pillows on my favorite chaise as I tried to drown out the sound of Tahirah’s constant nagging and whining. “Are you listening to me?” I could feel her eyes boring into my soul as she stared at me in annoyance. I sighed again. “No, I must have tuned out when you started.” She scowled.

I sat up and looked towards her. “What were you saying?” I watched as her lips twisted in anger. “I said that your slaves are incompetent fools! One had the audacity to drop a piece of fruit on me. The nerve of some people, you need to fire her and find someone who is less clumsy and more stable with their jobs.”  I rolled my eyes and stood up. I’d had about enough of her constant whining for today, I needed to get out and do something on my own. “Excuse me.” I nodded my head to her and walked out, though the look on her face was of utter shock and anger. It was to be expected when someone like her always got what they wanted and now that someone far more superior to her had left without bending to her every whim she was left completely speechless. It was a moment to revel in.

I wandered about the palace my destination unknown, all I knew was that I needed to get away from her; she was the bane of my existence. How long were they going to stay here? Gods forbid that them coming here was their move in date. I shuddered at the thought. This nightmare needed to end and end quickly, who knew how long I would last.

Father made me promise to treat the creature like I would my mother but I could hardly see myself treating that thing like my own loving mother. She should be happy that I even acknowledge her existence at all; she doesn’t even deserve to walk on the same ground as me or even breathe the same air for that matter. I needed to get out of the palace for a little while, just to clear my thoughts, it was beginning to feel over crowded in there. I left the palace walls in search of some peace and quiet, hopefully then would I be able to think of something other than those people living in my home.

The sun over Egypt shone exceptionally bright today as if it were shining for only me. What a thought, I chuckled softly to myself. I continued to walk farther and farther away from the palace, turning back to look I could barely make out the shapes of monuments standing outside of it. The sound of cracking whips and shouting guards filled my ears as I passed a few work stations, their heads all bowing to me as I slowly passed them by. “Get to work! Enough lingering at the prince!” I heard one guard shout at one of the younger male slaves as he stared a little long at me. I shook my head with an eye roll.

It didn’t take long for my feet to carry me to a strange secluded place far from the slave stations and very far from the palace. It seemed quiet and very much deserted. Maybe here I can sit and think to myself. I need to come up with a way to rid that girl from my life in a way that she leaves of her own free will and not make it seem as though I caused the problem. I sighed as I continued walking forward. The sound of pleading words caught my attention as I rounded the corner to witness a guard and a slave girl.

I tilted slightly as I watched the scene unfold for a moment that was until she looked straight at me with these eyes, these eyes that seemed to scream at me to stop this man. Though her eyes seemed to say so much more than help me, it was as if they were screaming for me and only me. I couldn’t explain exactly what it was that I felt at that moment. But in that moment when I laid eyes upon her; I felt the spark of life rush through my veins. These very veins that had run cold for so long I couldn’t keep count of how many times the morning star shone and fell to when the night star rose and lightened the darkness with all its brilliance.

All I knew at this moment was that it was just me and her and I could see was her. Who was she? Who was this miraculous woman laying on the ground before me? I had never seen her before. Was she new here? All these thoughts seemed to jumble around in my head and before I knew what I was doing, I was rushing towards the guard at full speed and crashing into him with enough force to knock the wind out of him and then some. “Leave her alone!” I shouted as our bodies collided with one another. The guards body crashing into a large bolder behind him knocking him unconscious.

My eyes widened at the sight and what had just taken place. Panic began to set in. What was I doing? No, what was I thinking? How could I have let my emotions cloud my better judgment? I should have just walked away and let him take her, now I will have some explaining to do if my father were to find out about this… I sighed and turned to look at the girl who shook with fright. “You’re safe now. I’m not going to hurt you.” My eyes locked with hers and I could see the relief in her eyes, the tears that she fought so hard to keep in now rolled down her sandy cheeks staining them with a fresh trail. “T-thank you…” She bowed her head to me as she slowly but shakily tried to stand up but failed. Before she could fall to the ground I caught her in my strong arms and held her.

I could feel how fragile her body was in my arms, how terrified she had been. Every inch of her shook with fear, the feel of body so close to mine sent shivers down my spine and I couldn’t explain why. What was this that I was feeling? This so strange and unfamiliar feeling, she placed her small delicate hands on my arms as she steadied herself and then like a quick shot a sudden bolt of electricity coursed through my veins at that small touch between the two of us.

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