Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen: Eshe

The day was hot as it usually was, I'd hope the sun wouldn't be so harsh today but alas it never listened to our prayers. I had been making my way towards my station when I was forcefully grabbed and pulled away. "The Pharaoh demands your presence slave."

Panic began to course through my veins. Why did the Pharaoh want to talk to me? Did I do something wrong in the palace? Perhaps I wasn't doing well in my station and he was going to reprimand me for it. I quietly followed the guards as they led me to the Pharaoh; fear was still prominent within me.

I stood there quietly wondering what it was that was going to happen. "What is your name slave?" I bit my lip as I watched him before responding. "E-Eshe..." The Pharaoh nodded his head dismissing his guards away leaving only him and me alone. I was more nervous than I could have ever been in my life. I'd never spoken to the Pharaoh let alone spoken to him face to face, alone. He was an extremely intimidating man to say the least. I tried my hardest to not cower and stand up straight like you should when being addressed by a Pharaoh but not enough to where you seem like you are better than he.

I took in a deep breath as I waited for him to speak again. He placed his hands behind his back and paced slowly. "I know what you and my son have been doing all this time. I've brought you here to tell you that it is over. You are forbidden from seeing my son. I would make it a task of importance that you tell him you two are not to see each other again. If I find out that you two have went behind my back there will be consequences." My eyes widened and I put my head down cursing myself and Tepemkau. I knew that if we continued to see each other we were going to be caught and just as I had predicted, it happened; we were caught and now I was going to suffer the consequences of our actions. "Heed them well child. I would hate for you and your family to lose your lives all because the prince wanted to play around with a slave." I sighed softly almost inaudibly. "I understand. Please forgive me for thinking such things could happen between us. You don't have to worry; we won't ever see each other again."

He laughed. "I don't need to be worried about anything the only person here that needs to be worried about anything is you, now leave my presence." He was right... He had nothing to worry about; it was I who had plenty to worry of. I nodded my head to him realizing the error of my words. "I'm sorry to have upset you my Pharaoh." I dropped down to my knees placing my head low to the ground begging him for his forgiveness. He laughed again and walked off but not before saying his final words. "Remember what I've said slave. I won't be so forgiving another time." With that said he left the room.

I let out a gust of air I hadn't realized I'd been holding in. I needed to heed his warning. I knew that if I didn't listen he would have my entire family killed and he wouldn't stop there. If I knew him like the rumors we've all heard to be true, that would mean he'd kill everyone I ever cared about and knew. He'd be losing out on a lot of slaves but we were all expendable, meaning a new slave will be born and used up just like all the ones before us. I needed to get to Tepemkau and tell him we needed to stay as far away from each other as humanly possible. I didn't want this terrible fate to befall everyone I'd come to know and love, especially my family. They had no fault in mine and the prince's actions. No, I would not allow them to be at fault. I would end it and make sure it was done for good or so help me Gods...

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