Chapter 2

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The barracks were far from the landing area. It was located near the training center and the other regions. But Soap showed you a few shortcuts in case of emergencies.

"So tell me, Y/N, I've heard you come from a camp in Havana. We've never had anyone come from that area." He asks as you get close to the barracks. "Well, it's beautiful over there, but I never thought I'd be recruited there." You said as you looked around, ensuring you remembered the places. "You must have done something right to be in this team. It's an honor, really.." he looks at you and gives you a warm smile. Before you notice, you are already at the front door of your barracks.

"Lucky for you, we'll be at the same place." He unlocks the door and extends his arm towards the door to let you in. You walked inside and noticed it was more like an apartment-style than a typical barrack. "This is pretty big..", you stated as you looked around in awe. You suddenly hear Soap chuckle and walk next to you. "I know it seems pretty extreme, but I guess the superiors here wanted each member to have their privacy."

"Aaah... I see." You kept looking around, and Soap walked toward the bedrooms. "Here's your place. We keep everything simple for newcomers, and they earn something through the months. Last week I got myself a PS5 and was pretty fucking happy." He said proudly to himself as he laid your duffel bag at the entrance. "Honestly, I don't need much, but that sounds exciting." You smiled softly and placed your tactical backpack on the bed. Soap nods and looks at you. You notice his stare, and an eyebrow raises.

"What?" You said as you crossed your arms. "Nothing, just slightly worried about how the rest of the group would react to you...". He closes the door and walks to the chair of the desk. He looks dead into your eyes. "At least six other people live here, including you and me. Their names are Gaz, Alejandro, Konig, and Ghost. They're good people, but some... well, one of them doesn't take lightly on strangers." He said in a shallow voice but his raspy Irish voice barely letting him. "So what am I supposed to do..? Bring each one a gift basket or something?" you said sarcastically but still with a bit of a worried voice. He laughed softly and nodded his head. "Not exactly, just try to mind your business. Especially around Ghost...".

This Ghost guy is something..?

"I doubt I'll contact or conversation with him... he already looked at me seriously when I got off the plane." You said nervously as you placed a hand behind your neck. "He's like that... but you'll get used to him. We're close, so I'll tell him to behave if he starts bothering you or starts something." He nudged my shoulder softly with his fist and smiled. "I should get going..." He gets up, pats your left shoulder, and walks towards the door before stopping. He turns around. "Also, at 5 pm, we gathered for a meeting and dinner in the dining area. So don't miss it, you must come." And with that, he waves, closes the door, and walks away to his daily tasks.

I can finally meet the group, well, part of it... hopefully, they're nice to me... nice?? Well. At least it's welcoming. And this Ghost dude must have some serious trust issues... maybe that's why he's glaring at me...? Because I was located in the same barrack as him??? You shook your head at the thought of being hated by someone you've barely met or spoken to. You got up from bed and started organizing your clothes in the drawers and tactical outfits in the closet. The guns and knives were placed in a drawer that was inside the closet.

Time flew by pretty quickly, and it was already 5 pm. You start hearing chatter and laughter coming from the living room. You exited your bed and headed towards the door while opening it slowly.

Well... here we go...

You walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the sounds. "Hey, Y/N!" Says Soap as he walks towards you and places his hand on your shoulder. "Here's the devils I was talking about." He says as he lanes towards the group of men. "Ay, hablando mal detrás de nosotros Soap? Vale..." said a muscular man. You recognized his accent as being Mexican. This gives you an advantage since you live in a Spanish-speaking country. "I have no goddamn clue what you said, but Y/N, this is Alejandro. Alejandro this is Y/N." Soap says as he nudges you close to Alejandro.

"No, no... el solo me mencionó sobre los que habitable el barrack," you said confidently as you tried to explain, but Alejandro laughed and looked at you surprised. "Ahh hablas español! Eres Latina, eh??" He says with a flirty tone, and you step back a bit. "I don't think it's your business, mhm..?" You said teasingly as he started to laugh. "Esta me cae bien." He extends his hand and brings you close, already doing a handshake.

As you kept the rest of the roommates, you came across a figure in the kitchen. It was the hooded man looking straight at you... His arms were crossed, his eyes were dark, and his whole demeanor showed control and mystery. "That's Ghost." Said Gaz next to you, pulling you out from the train of thoughts the man had you in. "Oh, he always likes that," You asked as you looked at him and then back at Gaz. "Yes, but you'll get used to it. Soap probably already mentioned this to you, but I'll remind you to mind your business regarding him. Alright?" He said with a serious tone, then shifting it to a light one.

They started pulling drinks out to celebrate the night with a new teammate and went to the living room. Everyone was laughing, taking shots, playing games, and talking about missions.

You really couldn't help but sometimes look at Ghost. He kept a close eye on you, always watching your next move, almost like studying every last move and reaction. It made you uneasy, but you pulled yourself together. Plus, what was he going to do to you? What was he thinking?

As the night ended, everyone started cleaning, and you helped with the dishes. It was a lovely welcome you received, but it made you miss your brothers and sisters from the other team. "You alright, Y/N..." said a low, raspy British voice. It caught you by surprise, and you looked back. It was Ghost... a few inches away from you. "I... yes. I'm fine." You looked around and realized everyone was already gone to their rooms. You were too focused on cleaning and thinking that you forgot about the rest of the world.

"Do you need help, Y/N?" He said while looking you up and down. He's studying you, and you start to wonder how long he was standing there staring at you.

"Umm... I don't think so.." you looked around, and everything seemed clean. "I think I'm done." A smile crosses your face as you look up at him. He was so tall and muscular you couldn't even comprehend if he was honest. "You're Ghost, correct..?? I didn't get to speak to you tonight.". He raised an eyebrow as he nodded. "Yes, you're correct. I wanted to look at you."  He walks closer to you... wanting to see you even more closely...

"You seem tense, kid.." he looks down at you. "Just a bit..." your hands shaking a bit. There was a silent moment between you, too, but it wasn't awkward. It was just a moment of him studying you. "So.." you said nervously as you held a kitchen towel. He looks at your hands and gets closer. You looked up at him as he got closer, and you suddenly felt warmth on your hands. "I know I might seem scary... but please don't feel like I'm a threat.." he said as he slowly kneeled at you. "I..." you sighed in shakiness, and you needed to escape his grasp and walk past him. He stood there looking at the wall in confusion. "It was nice meeting you... I should clock in, though."

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