Chapter 7

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Two weeks have passed since the debrief, and there weren't many after that. Even though the General said he would keep the team updated, there wasn't much information. In your case, training kept going. You could up your game for combats, which was constant training with Ghost and shooting with Alejandro.

Week Three

It was a rainy evening, and you had just finished training. You started running towards the barracks, but suddenly, you slipped into a puddle and fell face-front on the muddy ground, making a loud noise from the back of your throat.

"fuuuuckk..." you hissed softly and placed your palms on the ground. "This can't be happening." You got up slowly and chuckled and tried to laugh it off. Then, a sound of steps started coming towards you. You tried wiping your face with a small towel in your bag and looked back at the sound of the footsteps. "Is the mud fun?" Said a familiar raspy voice, and you chuckled a bit. You looked up, and it was Ghost with a water-resistant hoodie on. "You didn't check the weather, didn't you love?" He suddenly put his hands out, and you placed yours in his. "Thanks, and I didn't know it was going to rain. It looked just fine when I came to the gy-" As he pulled you up, your feet slipped a bit, and he quickly placed a hand on your waist, pulling you closer to his chest. "Careful." He said with a severe tone. "These fucking shoes." You said and suddenly realized how close you were to Ghost. Too close...

Then, gently, you pulled back from him and picked up your bag. He looked down at you, and with the looks of his eyes, it was almost like smiling. It made you nervously chuckle. "So, um... you are heading back to the barracks." You said, and he nodded. "Yes, but here." He said as he pulled out a big towel. "Use this for the rain. I don't have an umbrella, but that'll do." He hands it to you, and you quickly wrap it around your head. He looks like he's enjoying this. "Well, we should head back..." He nods at your suggestion. He was only feet away from you, but I felt his stare as if something were to happen. Before you know it, the barracks were near. Both went in, and Ghost opened the door for you. "thanks," You said with a smile and cleaned your shoes on the black carpet. You went to your bedroom directly and closed the door. Automatically, you head towards the bathroom to shower and wash your muddy skin. But suddenly, you start sneezing and getting a fever. "No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, why now?!"

The next few hours were a shit show. You were on your bed, sneezing and wanting to die right there. Suddenly, there were a few knocks on the door. "ugh.. what now?" You lazy your way towards the door and open it. Your eyes travel upwards, meeting Ghost's eyes. "Oh... I-I'm sorry. Is the sneezing-" He touched your forehead and sighed.

"You have a pretty bad fever. I'll make you something."

"Y-you don't have to. I have some pills I can take." You said as you pointed at your bag.

"I see." He said with a sarcastic tone and walked away.

"Thank you, though!" You said as you looked at him walking towards his bedroom.

I didn't want to ask for anything... It was enough having him watch me fall into the mud and look like an idiot...

You closed the door and headed back to bed. An hour passed, and you started to feel a bit worse. The sneezing and lack of sleep barely helped. Then you heard knocking again. "Y/N, may I come in?" said a familiar voice. "Um... sure." as the door opens, a delicious smell hits you. Ghost walks in with a tray of food in his right hand and the other on the doorknob. He closed the door and walked towards your bed. The food was placed on the nightstand. "I made you some Lipton soup and ginger tea. As well as a thermometer to keep track of the fever."

Since when has this been so caring for me?

You slowly get up from the bed and smile.

"Wow, this is so nice of you. But you shouldn't have." He takes the cup of tea and places it on your hands. "This will help." You smiled at him and took a sip from the cup. It was refreshing, and the ginger didn't burn much. It was perfect. "This is so good." He nodded and then took the cup from your hands and placed the bowl of soup on your hands.

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