Chapter 17

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Dreams are indeed a beautiful part of our human minds. They are the doors for imagination, emotions, and memories. Yet, it can show us our deepest desires. These are the ones that you truly want to manifest or might get a sort of deja vú. Oh! How wonderful would it be to get the things you want? The dream you had, Ghost giving you the most genuine desires.

"Don't fret, child... It's only the beginning..."

"Private." A raspy voice lingers by your ears. "Wake up." You slowly opened your eyes and looked at the voice. It was Ghost, looking pissed off. You looked around and realized you were sleeping on the floor.

That was all a fucking dream...?

"Shit... Sorry, Lieutenant." You mumbled and got up from the floor. A few cracks sounded from you, and your neck started to hurt. "What the fuck happened to you kid?". He said in a severe yet worried tone. "I... wasn't able to sleep well?" Your voice pitched at the end. He looked down at you with a judgmental. "That sounded like insecurity. Did you finish packing?" He walked over to your bed and saw the duffle bags.

"Yes, I'm done packing." You said in a more confident tone. "Alright, in 10 hours, we'll leave for the next location. Don't be late." He turned around and walked outside, then closed the door behind him. You sighed softly and looked around.

"What mess..." You said under your breath. As you looked around, you slowly started to remember about König. Did he ask you out, or are you beginning to hallucinate things? Maybe it is the lack of sleep due to all the stress you've been getting lately. Or maybe... just maybe... Your item for Ghost just got more interesting.

The day passed, and the other guys started grabbing their belongings. You held your duffle bags and headed out towards the door.

König and Ghost waited near the plane. You looked at Ghost from the distance. He looked ready. So fine even. But you can't stop and remember the dream you had. Was it a dream...?

"Got everything, kid?" Ghost asked as he got on the plane. "Yes, sir." You said as you placed the duffle bags by a string hammock. After that, you sat at the seats and buckled yourself. Then, you took the headsets next to you and put them on. Suddenly, Ghost sat right next to you and König by the other.

Great... out of all the space there is.

You sighed softly and leaned your head back. The plane started to take off. You slowly veered around your head and then looked at the tiny window between König and yourself. "Beautiful, isn't it?" He said through his headset. You nodded and kept looking, "Looks nice.". Then you turned your head forward and looked at the sealing of the plane. Your mind started to wonder what your first mission in Russia would be like. As soon as you thought of that, nervousness and fear showed up, making your left leg bounce up and down rapidly.

Nothing prepared you mentally for what was to come your way. Absolutely nothing. The training you had suddenly abandoned your mind as you thought of everything you've learned. Nothing. Absolutely nothing. Your head felt blank, abandoned. You started to remember the Library of Alexandria and how it burned down because of the ignorance of outsiders. There was nothing left, just a short memory-

Abruptly, you felt a large hand placed on your left thigh. You snapped from your dilemma and looked down. You felt your chest sink in as your heart palpated in a quick rhythmic motion. Then, your eyes traveled toward Ghost. He looked down at you, slowly leaned down, and then moved your headset back to say something. "You alright, kid?" he said softly. "Just a little nervous," you said honestly.

"Don't go jumping off the plane now." he chuckles softly, leans back towards his seat, and then looks away. He kept his hand on your thigh for a while. Something about him was so weird. One day, he'll want to be all over you, and then he goes full Lieutenant mode the next. Eclectic signals were between left and right, yet he couldn't tell what he wanted.

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