Chapter 5

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"Alright, Y/N, you're done for today with me. I was informed that you have combat practice with Ghost now." He said as he looked at his watch.

"See you in a bit..." That's what he meant. Ghost was already playing you from the start. You couldn't help but give a big sigh.

"Todo bien, Y/N?" Alejandro says as he places a hand on your shoulder and smiles. "I'm alright... it's just that I didn't expect to train with him." You said as you placed the handgun in your pocket. "Well, if it's any help, you impressed him."

"I doubt it. He doesn't look like the type of guy to be impressed easily." You said as you picked your things. Alejandro follows you to the second floor, where combat training occurs. Alejandro tells you to go to room 4 as you walk up the stairs. This room is located at the end of the hallway.

"Thanks for your help today, Alejandro." You smile, and he waves at you as he makes his way down the stairs. "My pleasure, querida."

You're alone now. Just the thought of having to practice with Ghost makes your skin crawl. But you barely know him, so why should it bother you..?

"Fucking hell..." you said under your breath. Release all your nerves by taking deep breaths and focusing on what you've learned in combat.

Before you even realize it, you're standing in front of door 4. You took a deep breath and knocked on the door. There was silence, so you opened the door.

"Hello..?" You said as your hand released the doorknob and got in. "Ghost, you in here?" As you look around, you realize that there's only light coming from the window. The room was visible, but it felt dark. It almost consumes you and lures you to get in.

"C'mon Ghost, stop playing!" You said as your bag fell to the floor and you searched for the light switch. As you finally get it, you hear slight breaths.

"Ghost...?" You said in a hushed tone.

"Y/N..?" A voice starts coming from the end of the room.

You hurried, turned on the lights, and saw him lying on a bench.

He looked hurt.

"Oh. Shit." You ran towards him and saw him beaten up. "What the fuck happened?!" You tried to place your hand at the back of the head while you gripped his arm with the other. "Let's get you up. One, two, and three!"

He sat on the bench and looked down at the floor. He looks dozed off and barely even there. "Thank you.." he said as he patted your arm.

"You look like shit." You said as you sat on the floor beside him and looked up at him. He chuckled, said your comment, and looked at you. "Whatever happened to you?"

He got up straight and sighed. "I was practicing, and things got too heavy..."

What a fucking liar.

"Theses don't look like self-inflicted wounds, though." You studied his bruises and cuts. "Something else happened here."

You feel a slight chuckle from him. "It's not your business to start with. So let's start training before we keep wasting time." He said as he got up. Somehow, he didn't limp or look in pain. For those 5 minutes, he looked like he was about to collapse. But this sudden urge and boost scared you a bit.

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