Chapter 9

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The morning came, and so did the warmth of Ghost's body. You slowly start to realize your position and slowly move your body to face the wall. Something about it warmed your heart and gave youas a sense of security. But as you did that, you felt Ghost moving as well. Then you think your hips touched, your back warm, your legs feeling some wait, and a breeze down your neck. Ghost was hugging you from behind.

"Why did you move?" He said with the most resounding, raspiest voice you've ever heard. It made your spine shiver and made your skin prickle. His breathing is controlled, and his hands are still in the same position.

"I-I didn't realize I was umm... in that position...." Your heart was beating fast, but you tried to maintain a controlled breathing. He chuckled softly and nuzzled his face on your neck.

"I like it..." he said softly, then sighed. He stayed in that position for a while, making you think he was sleeping again. But this made you a bit sleepy, and took a small nap. It was just you two, cuddled up in each other's embrace for a while. It made you feel safe and think about maybe... just maybe... this is more than being 'friends.' Suddenly, you felt a shift. Ghost was starting to get up, but you felt something soft on your cheek before that.

"I'm going to prepare some coffee." He said in his normal yet deep, raspy voice.

"Thank you..." you replied and slowly turned your back to face Ghost, walking out of the bedroom and closing the door behind him. You then start to realize the situation you're in. "Fuck."

8:30 am

You were already off the bed, showered, and ready to head for the kitchen. Before you walkwalk out, thoughts of last night come to mind. Your eyes are meeting his, his embrace and... and...

"Oh, my God." You realize that you kissed him. "I'm fucked. Fucked!"

What a lovely morning to start. This day is going to be full of the word fuck.

You took deep breaths and maintained controlled breathing. You leave the bedroom, and the smell of bacon, hash browns, and eggs hits your nose. It lures you into the kitchen and sees Ghost prepping breakfast for everyone. The smell made the rest of the squad come out of their little caves like goblins. Everyone sat on different places: Alejandro, couch; Gaz, dinner table; and Soap at the kitchen's counter.

"Good morning, guys." You said and felt Ghost gaze at you. Then, you focused back on making breakfast. A smile comes across your face, and you sit next to Alejandro.

The soap turned around to face you and the rest of the guys. "And a good morning to you, too, Y/N." His voice sounded a little too quirky. You tried not to overthink about it.

"Buen día chica," Alejandro says as he picks up your hand gently and kisses it. "Where does this chivalry come from?" You said jokingly, and one of his eyebrows raised. "What can I not be a gentleman?" He said with a sarcastic tone.

Then Gaz looked up from his computer and raised his hand. "Morning kid, sleep well?" He said with a smile. You nodded and smiled. "Yeah, I slept pretty good last night. You?". He shrugged and made a shake with his hand. "So-so, not much of a sleeper."

"Is it because of stress or something?" You looked at him as he tilted his head. "Pretty sure it is stress." He said with too much confidence.

"That must be hard..."

"Nah, he just likes to play video games until 2 am." Soap chimes in.

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