Chapter 21

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It was a day since the encounter with the creature from the forest. Throughout the night, Ghost reassured you that it was just an animal. He said it had some fur, but you felt otherwise. An animal won't stand on their hind legs for minutes... would they? It was abnormally large as well, which didn't help... Ghost quickly snapped you out of the thoughts. At the same time, you sat at the edge of your bed while holding a handgun. 

"We have to get ready, kid. We have to meet up with the team in an hour." He said as he showed up at the arch of the door. You nodded and quickly got on your feet. He headed to his room to pick up a few supplies. The time passed, and the team reunited in the living room. Weirdly, there was no sign of König, but you brushed it off. The briefing was quick and explained every single detail of everyone's position. 

Soap looked at you across the living room and tilted his chin upwardly. You narrowed your eyes in confusion, and he asked you to go outside. "Ok..." you mouthed, got up from your seat, and headed to the front of the cabin. Soon enough, Soap was out and pulled, leading out a Marlboro Red box. He takes one out and hands one to you. "No thanks..." You said as you waved your hand at it. 

"'Right..." He said as he lit it and took the first puff. "I saw you looking for him." He said suddenly and coldly. 

"König." You said as if you knew where the conversation was heading already. "Weirdly, he wasn't there," you said but got caught off by Soap. 

Soap scoffed and took another puff. "He's like that, y/n. Don't expect him to stay much longer." He placed his hand on the wooden panel of the entry. 

"What does that mean?" You got closer to him. 

"He's probably out there doing some reckless shit right now." He inhaled the smoke and exhaled softly, then turned his head towards you. "I don't expect you to learn his real side. He already showed his 'soft and gentle' side, huh?" He smirked and kept smoking.

"I..." You looked away to the dark forest covered in snow. Then you heard the door open behind you. The both of you looked in the direction of the sound and saw Ghost walking towards you. 

"Cig?" Soap said as he gestured the box towards Ghost.

"I thought you never asked." He takes one and quickly lit it up. You felt him walk next to you. You were now between Soap and Ghost; it felt... safe. 

The quiet was like being caught in the eye of a hurricane. 

Time passed slowly and eerie now as you realize the mission that you're in. One fuck up, and hundreds will die. Hundreds hope for freedom and peace—hundreds want to be with their family again. The sky slowly becomes dark yet sprayed with stars and the cosmos. 

"Let's go." Ghost said as he headed inside, so did Soap and yourself. 

The whole team quickly divided themself into different Jeeps. One led Ghost to an upper point and you towards the mission. Everything went fast, and you found yourself at the location's entrance. The building wasn't tall but had a larger radius. It contained no due to the design of the structure. There were no windows, pale cement, and a single metal door. This quickly leads you to think there is more to what the eye meets. Luckily, Gaz was with you and explained your hypothesis. 

"I'm sure the building has a bunker or an underground facility." You said in a confident tone.

"Y/N, you can't just make shit up, this is a serious outlook you're giving." He said as he pulled out the blueprint of the structure.

"Look, there are vents and passageways leading to places you wouldn't see on the main floor." 

"Yeah, but maybe it is just a maze." He said while trying to look at it even closer. 

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