Chapter 3

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As the night passes, you receive an email from the general. An eyebrow rose, and you opened it.

Important training tomorrow.

Good Evening Y/N,

Thank you for joining our team. It's an honor having you on our team, and I hope you consider this your home soon. Now, please read carefully. Tomorrow at 8 am, the team will start training at the gym. Since you're new, it is a must for you to go. I'll be there as well, so make sure you are prepared.



"Well... tomorrow is going to be a day...". You sighed and started setting the alarm clock for the next day. You began to get sleepy and slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

Knock... knock...

Your eyes opened. "what the fuck...?" you grumbled under your breath. Your hand reached for your phone, and it was exactly 3 am... "who the fuck is awake at this time?" You slowly got up and headed to the door. The knocking continued softly, almost like the wind wanted to get in gently. As you slowly approached the door, you felt it stop and placed your hand on the doorknob. You slowly opened it and saw a shadowy figure looming over the door. It was dark in the hallway, and the moonlight was the only light source to give an idea of who this mystery figure could be.

"h...hello?" You whispered, trying not to wake anyone else from the barracks. A cold wind comes through, and a scent of oakwood hits you. It made you feel less scared, but it went just as that feeling came. The figure's head slowly turned to look down at you and slowly raised its hand towards the door. They tried to open it, but you were resisting. "What the fuck are you doing pervert?!" You yelled as your hands kept fighting and pushing the door forward.

"Please... let me in..." A raspy yet almost familiar voice was heard from the figure. "... it's cold outside..." It said.

The resisting starts getting even worse. You placed your back against the door and pushed back. While you made the grunting outside get louder, the figure somehow got its arm at the door's crack and started touching your hair. Its touch was cold and almost to the point that it froze your hair. "Oh FUCK NO!!" You kept pushing and pushing the door back. The arm pulls back, and the door closes.

Suddenly, footsteps start leaving your doorstep. "Oh my God... Oh my God... What the hell was that??" Your heart was beating fast, and you tried to control your breathing.


You pick yourself up and open the door again to see if anyone is outside. There's no one, and a relieved sigh comes out of you. You locked the door and went back to bed. As you lay on the bed, you reach out for your phone to check the time.

3:40 am

A grunt comes out of you, and you try to fall asleep. But the images of the shadowy figure keep playing in your mind. It didn't look human... nor...

"I should go to fucking sleep..." you yawned as you shifted your body to face the wall. Your back is facing the edge of the bed. You pulled up the covers towards your head and tried to sleep.

*morning chimes start playing*

You woke up and saw that the sun had risen. You stop the alarm clock and head towards the bathroom. The morning, you started with a routine. Go to the bathroom, do your business, shower, wash your teeth and skin routine, get clothes, and head towards the kitchen for breakfast.

"Buenos días, Y/N. ¿Dormiste bien, querida?" Said Alejandro with a sly smirk as he drank his coffee behind the counter. "Yes... I did." You said with a straight face, trying not to fall by his quirks. "Well, if you say so. There was a door that slammed pretty hard this morning. At 3 am to be exact..." he said with an eyebrow lifting and staring deep into your eyes.

Your heart start beating fast, and tried not to show any concerns... "Oh? Really? I didn't even realize. I was dead asleep." You smiled softly as you headed towards the fridge and picked something out to eat.

"Look, Y/N, between you and me. I'm not much of a believer, but I think you just experienced something demonic or simply a Ghost..." he looked genuine and concerned. He proposed dealing with those events and has been here longer. Maybe he knows something that you don't.

"So you think that a ghost or something tracks me down?" You chuckled softly, trying not to seem scared. "Si...a lo mejor. Happened to me a few months ago-". He was about to finish his story when people started coming out of their rooms. Gaz looked ready to throw himself on the couch and sleep again. The rest looked well-rested. To your surprise, Ghost came out wearing a mask, showing his eyes but the mouth hole being shut.

"Good morning." a deep, husky, morning voice comes out of him. He was almost causing the whole kitchen to tremble. You look at him as he looks directly at you. "Good morning..." you say as you make breakfast. "Bueno, hablamos horita, hm?" Alejandro said as he washed his mug and left it to try. He walks away, leaving the team and me to start our morning.

The team was already doing their things. Some went out to buy breakfast, and some started to get ready to leave for practice. It was only you and Ghost now...

It was quo; the sounds of sizzling eggs and bacon only filled the room. He sits by the counter, watching you cook as he looks down at his pad. He was checking something, probably work-related.

You side-eyed him, wanting to take some peaks of him... he was so big and muscular... and last night...

"Fuck!" You accidentally burn your wrist by the edge of the skillet. He looked up and put his pad down. "You alright...?" As he got up, you placed your hand under the faucet and let the cold water run at the burn. "Yeah, I just didn't notice what I was doing."

Should I... mention the Ghost...?

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