New Future Girlfriends!!

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You had gotten two new messages, one from Regina, and the other from Justine.

(Y/N): Oh. How nice. Two messages from Regina, and Justine.

You looked over them, and well-

(Y/N): "Hi (Y/N), we're planning on bringing the Big Berry Circus to Japan! Hope to see you there! Hugs and kisses, Regina!" Aww!

And then you looked at Justine's message.

(Y/N): "Blessings from the Goddess of Law, (Y/N). Once the movie comes out, how about we go to watch the premiere with John? Til then, Judge Justine Courtney." Always talking about the Goddess of Law, eh Justine?

You texted them both back.

(Y/N): Oh, this is going to be good! Two new ladies!!

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