The Demon Family in the Mountains!!!

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An officer was seen doing his patrol in the nearby mountains.

Officer: This is Unit 5 reporting. I have arrived at the site. I repeat I have arrived at the site.

He was off investigating disappearances in the mountain range.

Officer: Just what the hell is going on out here?

The moonlight fell on his body as he continued to search. His pistol in his hand, he gripped it as if his life depended on it.

He kept looking around, and took his flashlight out just in case.

Officer: It's too quiet. Just what am I-

He soon stepped into something.

It seemed like a Spider Web.

Officer: What?

And then he heard the sound of what seemed to be spiders crawling down a tree.

Officer: What? What is-

The spiders kept getting closer!

Officer: BACK!

He fired a few shots at the spiders, and then began to run for it.

And just before he knew it, he found himself running right into-

Officer: My God.

So many corpses were strewn up in the webs. It was a spider web of so many corpses.

Officer: Just what is going on here?! What kind of creature would do something like-

And then-

???: Oh goody! Fresh meat! I have my dinner tonight!

It was the head of a boy, with a spider-body too!


The demonic creature spit some poison into the officer, and then-


He began to feel paralyzed from the waist down.

???: I better make sure I don't waste this opportunity! Dad would be very mad with me if he found out I was gone for too long. OH WELL!!

Officer: I can't ... can't move my- AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!

The demon then opened his mouth, and-


Blood oozed out of the officer's head.

???: That was mediocre at best. Well, beggars can't be choosers.

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