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Twilight: I think it should be .... almost ... done! THERE! 

Tails: What is it? 

Twilight: The Past-O-Vision!! It can take the memories of a person and display them for others to see! 

Tails: And why did you want to build it? 

Twilight: I want to see some of the things that (Y/N) has done. Come on, Tails, have you ever wondered what all those amazing things he's done have looked like? 

Tails: You sure it won't go wrong? 

Twilight: Of course not! It's even approved by our other group members. 


(Y/N): So, you want me to test-run this? 

Twilight: Yes! 

(Y/N): It's not going to hurt, is it? 

Twilight: Definitely not. 

You go right to it, and then- 

Twilight: HERE WE GO! 

She flipped a switch and the Past-O-Vision began to look deep in your mind and- 

Vision 1: 

We see you by Kame House as a kid on a boat makes his way there. 

Kid: HA! 

He jumped and landed in the sand. 

Kid (Y/N): HEY! Are you okay? 

You pulled him out, and it turns out to be a kid version of Jack. 

Kid Jack: Thanks. 

Past Roshi: Huh? What's this now? 

Kid Jack: Ah, the famous Master Roshi! My name is Jackson. I've come to study under you. 

Past Roshi: Sorry, I've already got a student. 

Kid Jack: Who? 

Kid (Y/N): Me! 

Kid Jack: Oh really? Well, would this change your mind? 

He pulled out a dirty magazine. 

Past Roshi: Well .... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I guess I can make room for another student. 

Back in the present... 

(Y/N): That's back when Jack and I first met. Ah, those were the days. 

Twilight: I think another one is coming up. 

(Y/N): Which one? 

Vision 2... 

You were seen fighting King Piccolo, and- 

(Y/N): I still have one arm left. I'LL PUNCH RIGHT THROUGH YOU!! 

With the power of your bad arm, you unleashed a Kamehameha and launched upwards at King Piccolo. 

King Piccolo: SO? I'LL JUST BLOCK IT!! 


You then reached out with your good arm and- 


You punched straight through the Demon King! 


(Y/N): YES!! I DID IT!!! 

As you fell, you didn't even notice King Piccolo shooting one last egg out of his mouth before he died. 



(Y/N): Yep, and that egg is- 

Twilight: Wait, the Piccolo that we know now is in that egg, right? 

(Y/N): Yep. 

Twilight: What happened between you two before? You weren't always friends? 

(Y/N): Twi, you can't expect a grumpy guy like Piccolo to be a hero the first time I met him. 

Twilight: Yeah, I guess. Oh, we still have time for one more right now. 

Vision 3...

(Y/N): Frieza! LOOK OUT! 

Frieza: I already told you, that won't work on me! 


Frieza: Oh ha ha. Keep going you STUPID IDIOTIC INBRED MONK- 

He is then cut in half by his own attack. 

Frieza: D-Daddy, I don't want to be on Namek anymore. 


Twilight: Did ... he just- 

(Y/N): Yep. How fitting for that bastard. Though not as satisfying as what I did to Cell. 

Twilight: Hmm ... I feel like I should keep this around. This looks really fun to use! 

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