(Y/N) vs. the Dark Knights (Part 3!!!)

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You had arrived in Central City, and you took a deep breath because your Observation Haki gave you a short glimpse to see that Red Death was going to attack you from behind. 

And then- 


You stabbed him in the chest.

Red Death: AGH! 

(Y/N): So, you're Red Death? Am I talking to Batman or Flash? 

Red Death: Does it even matter? 

(Y/N): Listen, if Barry is still in there, let me talk t- 

He tried to punch you, but you dodged. 

(Y/N): I guess we'll have to do this the hard way. 

You both started to punch each other, with you dodging his punches over and over, and- 

(Y/N): ORA!

You socked him in the face with Star Platinum. 

Red Death: AGH! How did you punch so fast? 

(Y/N): Fuck you, that's how. 

Red Death just kept trying to hit you, but you kept hitting him back. 

(Y/N): You're not going to be able to beat me. Now I need to get in close and stop time to d- 

But then he hit you. 

(Y/N): ARGH! 

Red Death: Where was all of that confidence you had? 

(Y/N): Still there. Just because you hit me doesn't mean I've won. Now STAR PLATINUM: ZA WARUDO!!

You just looked at him. 

(Y/N): Okay. Here goes. 

You used Forced Spirit Fission on him. 

(Y/N): That's enough. Now, time to resume time. 

As time returns, Red Death splits up into Batman and Flash.

(Y/N): You've fallen hard, Batman. No, you're not Batman. You're just ... scum. Hakai...

You erased him from existence. 

And then you looked at Flash. 

Red Death Flash: Thank you.

He died peacefully. 

(Y/N): You're welcome, Barry. Rest in peace. 

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