Teaser/Cast Aesthetics

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....tears begin to form in my eyes
"Please Jay, you can't tell anyone. What can I do for you to not tell people?" I beg.

"Nothing" he says unmoving and in monotone.

"Please" I plead and my voice starts to break.

I don't understand how he could have possibly found out. My mind starts racing for what to do next.

"I'll get you whatever you want"

"How would you do that when you don't have anything to give" he says mockingly.

"I'll do anything"


My heart skips a beat at his reply, but what really can I do. I can't risk this secret being exposed.

"Y... Yes" I stutter.

"Well, I guess there is one thing I want...


Prada Lexington

Prada Lexington

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Jay Felix

Amelia Duran

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Amelia Duran

Kayla Kingston

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Kayla Kingston

Jamal Abdul-Malik

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Jamal Abdul-Malik

For those of you that can't see the pictures, these are the characters aesthetics ❤️💘

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For those of you that can't see the pictures, these are the characters aesthetics ❤️💘

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