9~Spilled Tequila

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"Look who decided to show up" Amelia says. I sit down and slump into her lap.

"I'm so tired"

"I know you are" she says as she strokes my hair.

"I can't believe you pushed her" Lucy says.


"Kayla. The bitch deserved it though" she explains.

I roll my eyes at the thought. That seems like forever ago but in reality it was just this morning.

"I'm getting a headache just thinking about it. Ugh I hate her"

"And you say she's hot" Dylan says turning to Luke.

"She is" we flip him off as we talk about random things and soon enough I drift into a light, but we'll needed sleep.


I don't know why I'm here. I think to myself self as I listen to screaming fans and screaming fan girls fret over the game.

My head hurts, but I had to come for the match, because Amelia forced me to come support Jamal.

I don't even understand what is going on, all I know is that the score is 3-1 and we are at 3 and Noble bridge, another boarding school here in the UK is 1.

I watch as the cheerleaders do their suggestive dance moves, in their tiny uniforms. Kayla very much over doing it.

I just stare, at nothing in particular.

I don't even notice when Jay scores the winning goal and the entire school screams at the top of their lungs.

Nope, nothing.

It's all quiet in my head. I see the movement, but none of it makes any sense to me.

I don't even notice Amelia shaking me excitedly.

I do notice when Jay stares right at me.

There is just something about staring at Jay. He must be a wizard or something, because I can't seem to look away.

His teammates pull his eyes from mine as they do their bro celebration thing.


Amelia drags me to the field to congratulate Jamal. She kisses him and I look away from their gross display of affection.

And just as fate would have it, I turn away only to look right at Jay.

He looks happy as people come to celebrate him. So happy that he's actually smiling. A rare act that I have never once seen.

I look away, before he catches me staring.

"Party at my place!" Jamal yells.

Just what I need for the headache that is slowly turning into a migraine


Everyone is dancing, smoking, drinking, making out, while I sit on the couch with my head in my arms, due to the insane headache I'm having.

Me literally on Monday was partying like crazy, and it's Friday and I can't find it in my to even talk to anyone.

All because of one person.

It starts to rain and I roll my eyes. Classic UK weather doing UK weather things.

I don't want to be here anymore, so I get up to leave.

And because my life is full of woe, my phone buzzes.

1 cup of Tequila Ley. Bring the bottle. By my car

I stomp my feet in frustration as I pour a cup of tequila.

He really expects me to go out in the rain and look for his car. My head starts to pound even harder that before.

It takes me 10 good minutes to find his car. The rain has stopped and he comes out of the car.

"I asked for you like 20 minutes ago! And you arrive now. Who do you think you are wasting my time! Do you kn-"

He is cut short by me pouring the drink on him.

"Who do you think you are talking to me like that! I have wasted my time doing everything you ask like an idiot and you have the guts to speak to me like that! You are a fool to think I would take shit like that. Don't you know it's not nice to play with someone's emotions? Just because your rich and I'm not doesn't give you the right to speak to me in that way. Just tell everybody my little secret already, I don't care anymore. What I'm not gonna do is answer to you like a slave" I start to walk away.

"And for the record, I'm not a hag" I turn and leave, like I should have done ages ago.

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