26~Just us

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"Prada!" I wake up in shock.

Mrs Bernice is glaring hard and everyone in the class is staring at me.

I mumble an apology and I put my head to rest on the table. Slowly but surely my eyes start to close again.

"That's it! Since I'm boring you with my lesson, you wouldn't mind leaving my class"

Does she expect me to beg her?

I quickly gather my things and leave. I'm so tired I could just pass out right now.

I decide to head to the dining hall since it'll be empty by this time.
And once I get in, I pass out on one of the tables.

And for a few minutes I was at peace.

That is, until I am violently woken up. I don't even need to look up to know who woke me up.

"What the fuck?!"

"Easy there blondie, calm down" he says casually, which only makes me even more irritated.

"Don't tell me to fucking calm down! I was this close to falling asleep"

"Oops" he says playfully.

My eye twitches in rage.

"Why aren't you in biology?" He asks.

"I got kicked out for sleeping in class" I yawn.

He hums in response.

"I should be the one asking questions. Why weren't you at biology?"

"I was... busy" he rubs his hands on the nape of his neck.

"You are such a slut" I say, meaning it way more seriously than I said it.

"I never said I was getting laid"

"That's what you're often doing" I retort.

"I'm offended"

"So what were you doing then?"

"I was busy with... something and I just lost track of time" he says, sounding almost embarrassed.


"Enough about me, why are you always sleeping in class?"

"I cannot maintain a healthy sleep schedule no matter how hard I try"

He plays with my hair and I can't concentrate. I watch him focus on me and for a while I forget I was meant to be asleep.

He looks at me and I can't look away. Not that I wanted to anyway. There is just something so mysterious in his eyes that make me want to stare at them forever, in hopes that I will finally figure him out.

"Your eyes are so blue" his silvery voice barely over a whisper.

"Yours are so green" I reply.

The tension between us is so thick you could touch it. I can hear my heart beating in my ears.

And for a moment, it's like nothing else exists. Like nothing else matters. Just this.

Just us.

Unfortunately, the moment is ruined when people start to enter the dinning hall.

He offers me a sympathetic smile and there is no fighting the blush that spreads over my cheeks.

He taps the table and gets up. I just gape at him like a love sick puppy.

"I totally forgot I had to meet the other guys"

"What are you going to tell them?"

"That I was busy with something and I just lost track of time?" He says suggestively and I roll my eyes playfully at his smugness.

"Bye then" I say and he fakes being hurt.

"You don't know what you do to me Prada"

My heart skips a beat.

He always says these things so casually. It just comes out of his mouth like it's nothing.

He looks at me one more time before leaving and I still feel disoriented.

I know I shouldn't like someone like Jay, but it has become impossible. He consumes my thoughts, my dreams.

I don't want to be another one of Jay's Kayla's. I want to be more than that.

But it will never happen.

We will only ever be friends.

Suddenly I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Amelia's bag being slammed on the table.

"What's up with you?" I ask.

"Jamal" she says through clenched teeth.

"What happened?"

"He thinks I'm having a thing with Tyler. As if I would even do that. I was just talking to him and he happened to show up at a wrong time. I told him nothing is going on and he won't believe me"

"I'm sure he was just upset, that's all"

"Why is he getting upset at me? He's supposed to be my boyfriend" she glares at him.

Jamal actually looks mad. I've never seen him mad ever. He is so laid back.

"Maybe you should just talk to him about it without yelling" I suggest.

"I don't want to talk to him. If he can't believe me, then we should just break up!" She yells and we start to attract some stares.

"Don't say that. Why would you want to break up with jamal? You've been dating since forever"

"Why wouldn't I. Does he actually think I would cheat on him, with Tyler?" I try my best to calm her down, but it's no use.

"Which is why you should explain to him that he just caught you at a bad time. I'm sure he'll understand"

"He sure didn't understand before"

I look over to his table and I see Jay talking to Jamal. Exactly what I'm doing.

He seems to be doing a better job than I am.

She doesn't even touch her food. Too upset to eat.

"Aren't you going to eat?"



"Excuse me, Amelia can I talk to you outside please" Jamal stands in front of the table.

I expect her to be stubborn and say no, but she nods her head and follows him.

I sit there awkwardly until I feel a pair of angry eyes on me.

I turn around frantically, to see Kayla glaring at me from the other end of the dinning hall.

Oh God! What did I do now?

I swear if that bitch comes near me...

A few minutes later, Amelia comes back into the dinning hall arm in arm with Jamal.

I knew they couldn't stay mad at each other.

"I see you've made up" I say.

"I could never be mad at Jamal, he's my boyfriend. Enough about me, I saw you and Jay here alone together making goo goo eyes at each other. What was that about?" She teases.

"We were not making goo goo eyes at each other. We were just talking"

"About what?"

"Random stuff, none of your business"

I try to stop smiling, but it's no use. I'm a hopeless romantic.

I take one last glance at Jay and I wonder how someone's eyes could be so green.

A/N: I was so lazy to write this chapter.
The next one will have more drama🤭
I had to sneak my device into school to get this chapter out for you, so your welcome🤸🏽‍♀️
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