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Once I look ahead, I instantly regret it.

There's a pang in my chest and a huge lump in my throat. I try to swallow it, but it's no use.

It's not a big deal, I tell myself.

Up ahead, I see Jay and some random girl 'talking' about something.

He wears his usual flirtatious smirk, making her look like a literal tomato.

It's like he's back to his old self, or maybe his old self never left him.

"It's not that big of a deal" I say aloud.

They're probably just talking.

Jay is a flirt, he probably doesn't even realize he's doing it.

I continue my walk to the dinning hall deep in thought.

I get inside and I meet up with Amelia and the others.

"Gosh Prada, where have you been, I haven't seen you at all" Lucy says.

"She's been with her boyfriend" Amelia teases.

"You're dating Jay?!" Luke says.

"No, I'm not dating Jay. We're friends" I defend.

"Sure" Dylan says.

"We are just friends" I hate to admit.

"I want my money back Dylan!" Bella yells.

"Over my dead body!" I tune out their bickering, and my eyes follow Jay as he enters the dinning hall.

I never thought of myself as the jealous type, but here I am thinking of ways to get away with murder.

He goes over to his regular table with the other soccer players, and I watch as they talk and laugh.

He looks so at ease, nothing like the Jay I thought I knew a few months ago.

His hair is perfect, and his eyes are greener that ever.

This boy is way out of my league. What makes me think I'm any better than the other girls.

"Can't you see, she's in love" I suddenly snap out of my trance, to see them all smiling at me.

"We're just friends"


I glare at the slutty cheerleaders, as I sit in the cold watching Jay and Jamal practice.

They have been trying to get Jay's attention, and it infuriates me.

"Who are you giving that nasty stink eye to?" Amelia asks.

I finally snap out of it and turn to her.

"No one" I deadpan.

"Come on. You've been glaring at literally everyone and spacing out. What's up with you" she stares at me intensely and I finally gave in.

"I don't understand why Jay would want to draw me, invite me to his house, kiss me, and still be talking to every single female in this school.

I know we're not dating, but he kissed me. That should mean something right?

I feel like I'm competing with everyone and losing.

What if this is just his way if telling me he doesn't like me like that, and I've been taking it the wrong way all this time.
What if-"

"Calm down. You went to Jay's house?!" Amelia interrupts.

"It's a long story" I tell her.

"You take overthinking to the next level Prada. I'm sure he doesn't even realize it. You should talk to him, and tell him how you feel about him talking to other girls. So you don't die of overthought" she suggests.

"I guess you're right. I should probably talk t-you've got to be kidding me!" I yell.

"What?" She asks,and I point to Jay 'talking' to Kayla.

"I know how this looks, but I think you should calm down"

"I'll let it slide if he flirts with other girls, heck, I'd let it slide if he flirts with my teachers, but not her"

I would love to march down there and drag her away from him by her hair, but instead I inwardly fume.

"Better calm down, he's coming this way"

She gets up to leave.

"Make sure to tell him" she says as she turns to meet Jamal in the field.

I try to calm down before he reaches me.

"Hey blondie, I haven't seen you all day" he smiles.

"Well I've seen you" I say trying not to let my voice betray me.

"Excuse me?" He asks confused.

"Never mind" I say.

"Prada what is it? Something's obviously bothering you" he stares at me.

"Okay, this will sound a little silly..."

"Spit it out Prada"

"Fine. I don't like the way you 'talk' to other girls. Apparently I'm jealous like that. I know we're not dating, but it's still hurts nonetheless"

"I'll stop. I didn't think I was flirting. I'm sorry. I could have sworn I was just talking" he says thinking hard.

"I know you're not flirting with them, but they sure don't. That's just you sending wrong signals"

"Wrong signals huh? The only way to correct wrong signals is to send the right ones no?"

"Yeah? What are you getting at?"

He gets on the chairs and I'm so confused.

"Hey everyone!" He yells. Everyone turns to look at Jay.

"Jay what are you doing?!" I whisper yell.

"Mark your calendars, because history is about to take place, for I am no longer on the market because I'm no longer single.

Prada and I are dating now!"

My eyes go wide. The soccer team starts to cheer, and the cheerleaders starts to glare.

Kayla looks as if she could explode. I don't mind watching that though.

He sits down with a mischievous smile on his face.

"What was that?"

"I was sending the right signals" he puts his hand around my shoulder.

"Just like you told me to. Isn't that right girlfriend" he says and I can't help but smile.

"I didn't tell you to publicly update your relationship status"

"Well I did. On the bright side, you get to see a very angry Kayla, on the verge of explosion. It's a win win" he smiles.

He got me at angry Kayla.

I smile harder at the fact that I have a boyfriend who so happens to be Jay Felix.

A/N: We've got a couple!🤧🤧

This was not how this chapter was supposed to go at all.

These characters have a mind of their own.

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