5~Try not to slap

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"Well I guess there is one thing I want"

Remember when I was explaining Jay to you? Do you remember what I said? My exact words.

You're right! I did say he couldn't keep it in his pants, and now I'm going to be raped.

He catches my mortified expression and his face returns back to factory setting, disgust.

"Before you get ahead of yourself I would never in a million years ever dream of having sex with an ugly blonde lying hag like you. You are as attractive as the muck my dog yacked up and wouldn't even think of going back to, because it is afraid it'll catch poor"

My eyes sting with tears and I don't even move to wipe away the few that rolled down my face.

"What do you want then?"

"A slave" he says with a mischievous smirk.

I look at him confused as to what he means by slave.

"I quite literally mean I want a slave. I was at least sure you knew what a slave is, but I should have known better. You can't know what you can't afford. A slave is someone who fulfils my every demand and executes them perfectly"

How can someone be so cruel? I wipe away my tears as more roll down my face.

"Do you understand the job description?"

I turn to grab my things and leave, but he grabs my arm and holds me in place.

"One slip up and the entire Britain will tell the tale of the blonde haggard liar of Regent, are we clear?"

I nod my head. And he releases my hand and walks out of the library.

I can't help the tears that follow.

I leave the library in tears, and I run back to the hostels.

I pass Amelia's room on my way to mine and I cry even harder, because I can't tell her anything. I have no courage. I'm a loser and a fool.

If I just decide to tell everyone the truth this could all be avoided, but can't. I'm in too deep to go back.

I sob into my pillow as I cry myself to sleep.


I look a mess. I feel a mess. I am a mess.

Even though my hair is elegantly styled and my makeup is on point. If you looked at me well enough you will see that I'm not okay.

"Are you sure you're okay? Your eyes are dull, you look stressed, and you've not smiled the entire morning" Amelia presses.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired. That's all" I lie.

"Nonsense! Your eyes are puffy and red"

"It happens when I'm tired" I lie again.

Suddenly I get a text from an unknown number.

Black coffee with 2 shots of espresso and one cube of sugar.
Chemistry lab. Make it snappy

That is clearly Jay and I roll my eyes at the memories of last night.

"I have to go Amelia, I'll see you later"

She looks at me for a long while, and I give her a fake but convincing smile before I go.

I get the coffee and I walk all the way to the chemistry lab only to find some random 9th grade students there.

Where could he be?

I go to all the other labs, and I even check the gym and the boys locker room.

I stomp my foot in frustration.

"There you are!" I yell as I see him strolling casually to me.

"Where were you? I went to the chemistry lab and I didn't find you then I went on a wild goose chase looking for you"

"Talking was not part of the description hag" he says. The audacity!

"Think of it as a complimentary service. Take your coffee, and I'm not a hag"

He snatches it from me and takes a sip.

"This is cold. How many shots of espresso is this? And is this decaf" he throws it in the trash, and I try my hardest not to slap this boy.

"What is your problem? I leave Amelia to tend to your needs, then I walk the entire school to find you and you throw away what brought me to you in the first place! How mature" I yell.

"Next time, try and follow instructions"

"Next time, try and stay in the place you said you would!"

"Next time, try not to cause problems for yourself that would make you be in this situation in the first place"

"Next time, try not to be a heartless bitch that puts me in this kind of situation" I say as I turn on my heels.

I hate him so much!

A/N: I hate Jay! But I also love him, and I know you will too. I hope. But for now, we all hate Jay🔪
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