13~Nonexistent love life

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"I have an idea" I say to myself as I rush to grab my notebook.

"What was that?" Jay asks looking up from his notebook.


Biology is once again boring me, Jay has remained relatively quite and I just got the greatest idea.

I scribble down my idea, doodling in the process.

Once I'm done, I put my notebook away and I look at Jay, and I see that he's sketching something.

I look at the sketch and I see he's drawing some kid's bag on the floor.

Pretty accurately I might add.

He notices me and he immediately folds the paper he was drawing on.


I try to focus on the lesson, but God and I both know I will not make it through the entire lesson.

I rest my head in my hands, then my head moves to the table, then my eyes start to get heavy, and the rest is history.

After what felt like seconds, I'm being woken up by Jay, and the entire class is empty.

"Wake up blondie, the class is over. It's time for lunch" he says staring right at me.


"Yes really, get up let's go"

Let's go as in, let's go to the dining hall together.


I hurriedly pack my things and I start walking to the dining hall.

With Jay.

"You always fall asleep in class" he points out.

"Look, I'm tired. And when I'm tired I sleep. It's science"

He laughs at my joke, and I smile in response.

He has a great laugh. I on the other hand sound like donkey meets hyena.

"You're always tired"

"I'm not always tired!" I cry.

"Yeah right. You cannot go a single day without having to be woken up by a teacher for sleeping in class" he replies.

"I do not" I mumble. And he finds humour in my stubbornness.

"You are delusional" he says as he opens the door for me.

I flip him off and I head to my table.

"1000 pounds" Dylan yells.

"Deal" Bella replies. I'm so confused as to what is going on.

"Prada, are you and Jay dating?" Amelia asks.

"Eww, Jesus Christ, what do you take me for. No" I agonize.

"Pay up" Dylan says to Bella. She tries to protest but she goes to grab her phone.

"Cash app" Dylan tells her.

"Did you guys bet on me?"

"Yes" the entire table says. I put my hands over my mouth and gasp.

"I can't believe it. Amelia you really let them do it?"

"I really wanted to see what would happen" she defends.


"It's okay Prada, at least I am a 1000 pounds richer" Dylan giggles.

"But you two would make a great couple, don't you think?" Lucy adds.

"No we will not"

"C'mon think about it, you two would look cute together" Amelia coo's.

"Eww, I'm not Kayla"

"Who says they look good together" Luke pipes in.

"They are not even together. He just likes to mess around with her" Bella explains.

"Exactly my point. I will never even consider dating Jay for that reason exactly"

"I just want to see you with a boyfriend" Amelia teases.

"Why are you guys so concerned about my love life now?"

"Because before it was nonexistent, now it looks as if it can be interesting"


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