15~Green ice

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"How do you intend for us to sneak past all the security?" I ask.

"I have my ways. Now follow me"

I hope he knows what he's doing because the security in this school is insane.

He leads me to this wall covered with plants and grass.

"Don't tell me we are going to climb this wall"

"Fine, I won't tell you" he says.

He climbs the wall with ease, and I just stare up at him. He stares right back at me.

"Are just going to stand there or are you going to climb?" He asks.

"How do you expect me to be able to climb this thing?!" I whisper yell.

"Use the stones as steps"

I do what he says and I barely manage to climb up without falling on my butt.

"How do I get down?" I ask nervously.

"Jump" he calls.

"Are you crazy? I can jump from this thing. I already feel like passing out being this high"

"I'll catch you"

"No thanks" I scoff.

"Don't you trust me?" He teases.

"Not at all. I trust my hello kitty more than I trust you"

"Just jump, I promise I'll catch you"

"Okay. But if I die I'll kill you" I warn.

"Not looking forward to that"

I take a deep breath and I jump and just like he promised, he caught me.

His eyes look like chips of green ice. They keep my gaze in place. Like he's put me under some magic spell.

But this time, it doesn't feel like I'm staring into his cold eyes and not being able to look away.

It feels like I'm staring into his eyes and not wanting to look away.

And it's like I've been staring at him for eternities, but in reality like 3 seconds.

I come back to my senses and I jump out of his arms.

"Oh my God, I'm never doing that again!" I whine.

"You're fine. You should get going" he says.

"I probably should"

"Don't get caught" he says as he walks away.

I walk to the hostels and I wonder how he is the same person that blackmailed me into doing his bidding.

I open my room door and once again I find Amelia sitting on my bed waiting for my return.

"Where did you go? When did you go? Oh my goodness is that hello kitty?!" She exclaims as she rushes over to grab the toy.

"Yes it is hello kitty"

"Where did you go?" She asks cuddling it.

"To an amusement park"

"By yourself?" She inquires.

"No?" It came out sounding like a question.

"Oh my God, with who? Tell me!"

"It's no one impor-"

"Tell me!" She orders.

"Okay fine. I went to an amusement park with Jay" I say really quickly.

"I was not expecting you to say that. I thought, you thought he was a jerk. I thought you hated him?"

"I did? I do. I just... uh we have decided to put our differences aside"

"So how did you end up going out with Jay, and returning by 2am?"

"His parents were busy, and so were mine. So instead of doing nothing all day we decided to go out" I say.

"Till 2am"

"We rode all the rides"

She starts to smile.

"Why are you smiling like that?" I ask.

"Because Dylan is going to have to give Bella back her money" she says with a mischievous look in her eye.

"We are not dating" I say as I chuck a pillow at her.

"Sure you're not. I'm sure Kayla would love to hear about this" she says quickly and darts out the door.

"Don't come back!" I shout as I lock my door.

We are not dating.


"Prada! Is it true you're dating Jay?" Bella asks.

I turn to Amelia in rage. She hides behind Luke.

"No I'm not dating Jay, don't ask again" I say through clenched teeth.

"See she's not! You're never getting your money back" Dylan gloats.

"Amelia. Will you walk with me to class?" I ask.

"No I'm good"

"Walk with me" I demand. And she quickly comes to my side.

"Why would you tell them that I'm dating Jay knowing fully well I'm not?"

"No reason"

"I can't with you" I scoff.

And just to make matters worse, Jay happens to be walking down this hall.

"Your boyfriend is on his way here"

"He's not coming this way. And he's not my boyfriend" I say as I get my stuff from my locker.

"You sure about that"

"I'm sure"

"What are you sure about blondie?" he asks and Amelia proceeds to hug Jamal while smiling mischievously.

"Nothing" she says. I glare at her and she does the unthinkable.

"Oh Jamal I totally forgot that I need to meet miss Lexi for something. Can you come with me?" She asks too politely.

"Sure" and they're gone.

"I hope you didn't get caught?" He asks.

"No, matron rose is clueless to everything" I say.

Great now I feel awkward, thanks to none other than my best friend.

I swear I'll get her back for this. One way or the other.

A/N: look at me, doing daily updates!
*pats self on the back*
I'm actually meant to be in school, but I decided to stay at home till the 10th or 11th, just so I can keep updating.
You're welcome 🦨
Thanks for 51 reads😭
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-Keilah 💜

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