
18 5 7

I open my eyes only to shut it instantly. Just the feel of the bed is so foreign to me. I'm sure not in my dorm.

I sit up and I look around. I've never slept over at Jamal's house even at the wildest of parties.

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment when I remember falling asleep on Jay.

Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!

How did I even get here?

I look in the bathroom and I see a new new toothbrush and some tooth paste on the counter.

I brush my teeth and my hair and I deem myself presentable.

I shrug as I get my neatly placed belongings from the chair. How convenient.

I open the door and roll my eyes just at the sight of the atrocious mistake standing right in front of me.

"Why are you in Jay's room?" Kayla begins..

That was Jay's room?!! The room he usually sleeps with countless girls and allegedly teachers in?

Way to go Prada, always fucking things up for yourself.

"How is that any of your business?"

"Move aside, I'm looking for Jay" she says as she tries to shove passed me. I shove her right back.

"Stay still, you reek of desperation. He's not in" I spit.

She glares daggers at me and leaves to look for Jay.


I go to Jamal's room and I consider barging in, but I decide against it and knock. I'd rather not see anything I can't unsee.

The door creaks open and a knocked up Amelia peaks through.

"Hey" I wave.

"Prada? I didn't think I'd see you here this morning. I thought you would have left" she asks rubbing her sleepy eyes.

She opens the door wider for me to come inside.

The room screams sex scene.

"I was tired, so I fell asleep"

"Oh my God, where did you sleep?" She gasps.

My cheeks flush as I realize I slept in Jay's room. This is what I get for being a fatigued idiot.

"You were with Jay weren't you?"

"No. Technically yes, but no. I was in his room, because I was sleeping, but he wasn't there when I woke up"

"Doesn't mean he wasn't there"

"Gross" I flip her off.

"Whatever. My head hurts so bad!" She screams.

"I'm sure shouting won't help" I say with my hands over my ears.

"Where's Jamal?" I ask.

"He's downstairs making hangover smoothies for everyone else. There are bound to be some hungover teenagers holding their heads in agony right now, one of which is me. Let's go downstairs" Amelia offers.

And she was right. There are at least 50 people in the living area with raging headaches. And there are people still upstairs and outside.

"Even hungover, you ladies still manage to look breathtaking" Jamal says, his voice raspy.

"You flatter me" I say as Amelia latches herself to Jamal and once again I feel like a third wheel.

I always thought I was a third wheel, but it never bothered me as much as it has been bothering me lately. Especially right now.

Everyone here is with someone and I'm here feeling awkward.

Jamal and Amelia talk about I have no idea what and I fidget trying not to act weird.

I excuse myself but they don't hear me. I go outside and I stand there for a few minutes. I'm about to go back when something catches my eye.



He's with Kayla.

Stupid bitch.

And he's flirting with her.

And she's flirting with him.

They are flirting with each other!

Lovely way to start the day.

Why do I do this to myself? I could have been inside feeling sorry for myself. Now I'm here feeling even more sorry for myself.

I go inside, feeling like the singlest person alive.

"Amelia, can we go now?" I ask.

"Prada, I'm pretty hungover right now" she says still looking at Jamal.

"Why don't you ask Jay to drive you? He's pretty sober" Jamal suggests.

"He's busy" I say through clenched teeth.

I can't stay here another moment.

"You'll see him later at school" I say grabbing her hand and leading her outside.

"You are the worst"

"Whatever" I say.

"What's up with you. You didn't want to leave so soon before"

"I changed my mind"

We were about to pull out of the driveway when someone yells for us to wait.

Amelia stops and rolls down the window and Jay comes in view. I look away.

"You guys are going already?" He asks.

"Miss girl over here insisted" Amelia answers.

"Well Blondie, you left this in my room" he says with a suggestive smirk.

He hands Amelia the stupid cat ears and I want to die.

"She is very careless, thank you so much Jay" Amelia mocks.

He leaves and she turns to me, but I don't look at her.

"In his room sleeping, yeah right" she teases and I wish the ground would swallow me up.

A/N: I'm back!
Sorry for the wait. I was in school and I was sick, but here's the chapter.
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