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I wake up the next morning with a headache, that makes me reconsider going to school at all.

I lay in bed for an extra 5 minutes before I sluggishly move to take a shower.

I don't even bother with makeup, and decide to just brush my hair.

On getting outside my hostel, I notice that no one is outside.

It's like.... deserted.

Which is weird, because you'll usually find people lurking.

I head to the dinning hall and on the way there, I still don't find people.

I check my phone for the time to see if I'm that late, but it wasn't even time for classes yet.

'They are probably just in the dining hall' I think.

I open the dining hall doors and my suspicions where confirmed.

Everyone was at the dinning hall.

But they all fell silent when they noticed me.

My heart starts racing, and it feels like each pair of eyes are staring into my soul.

Amelia runs up to me and I can't control my shaking hands.

"Is it true?" As she says those 3 words, my eyes well up with tears.

"Amelia I-"

"You have been lying to me this whole time?"

"I wanted to tell you"

"I thought we were friends" she storms out of the dinning hall, and move to go after her but Kayla starts talking.

"Since you missed it let me say it again. Prada has been lying to your faces since she got here.

Her parents don't own a tech company in America, she's just a regular idiot who thought she could lie her way into importance.

She doesn't go on lavish vacations, She spends her holidays here in school.

She doesn't own any designer nor does she attend any important events"

"Kayla that's enough" Jay tries to get her to stop, but she doesn't pay him any mind.

"She doesn't go to boutiques in Japan, or spas in Vietnam"

"Kayla shut up!"

"And do you want to know how I know all this?"


"I know this because Jay told me!"

My eyes go wide after she says that, and the entire dinning hall gasps in unison.

This can't be true, this can't be happening to me.

It has to be a dream.

Jay moves towards me and I move away from him.

I don't even bother to wipe my tears.

"Prada I can explain"

"You told her!" My throat feels like it's on fire.

"I know it looks ba-"

"You told her! How could you?"

I turn around to leave but Jay grabs my hand.

"Prada please"

"Don't touch me!"


"Leave me alone!" He finally let's go and I run out of the dinning hall and back to the hostels.

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