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"Should I do straight or wavy hair?" Amelia asks.


"Let me see your makeup" she says eagerly. I turn to face her and she squeals.

"Someone sure wants to impress a certain someone"

I roll my eyes at the thought. I go back to my eyeliner and once I'm done, I slip into my dress.

"You look absolutely stunning. A certain someone won't be able to keep his eyes off you"

"Let's hope not" I mumble. I fiddle with the hem of my dress anxiously.

"I just love your wardrobe. Where did you get this dress?" She asks. Here goes nothing.

"I don't exactly remember. I want to say some store in Germany, but I also think I got it as a gift from my aunt"

Lies. I got this dress from White Fox. It's a beautiful dress none the less. It's simple yet so elegant. With the white ruching and the Zara jewelry, you wouldn't believe if I told you I bought this dress for 30 dollars.


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I fiddle with my fingers the entire car ride. I imagine Jay telling me to stop my anxious fiddling. I decide to touch up my makeup while I wait to get there.

"We're here" Amelia chirps.

The venue was absolutely beautiful and we haven't even gotten to the main area.

Today is a relatively warm day. Absolutely perfect weather for a wedding.

"Let's go" Amelia calls already at the door. How did she get there so fast

The entrance to the main hall was breath taking. This literally screams riches.

I spot Jamal, so Amelia and I go over to him.

"Wow, you ladies clean up nicely" Jamal begins.

"Thank you" I say.

"Where is Jay?" Amelia asks and I shoot her a bird.

"Uh... Oh here he comes" he says.

I fight the blush that threatens to break way on my face.

His green eyes find mine and once again I can't away. He comes up to us and even then I still can't stop staring.

His intentionally messy hair not in a mess, but rather neatly styled. He looks stupidly handsome in a tux. Like a well raised gentleman and not like a fuck boy.

I know I have a problem with lying and all, but I'm not lying when I say this boy is fine.

I mentally shake my head to stop from thinking about that.

"You guys look gorgeous" he says directed at both of us but only looking at me.

I shift awkwardly under his gaze. He diverts his attention from me to Jamal.

"Sorry for leaving you here by yourself. I had to meet my siblings" he apologizes.

"No problem"

"Speaking about siblings, are you ready to meet them" he says to me and I nod.

He leads me away from a smirking Amelia and an oblivious Jamal.

"There are somethings you should know about my brothers before you meet them" he starts.


"You may think I'm a flirt, yeah yeah whatever. But my brothers are 10 times worse than me"


"Yes really. We all believed Leo was joking when he said he was getting married. I still think it's prank, and now Cameron is getting married, we all believe he is just messing with us. They are so childish and annoying"

"I guess it runs in the family" he rolls his eyes.

"Whatever. Speaking of the devils" I look in the direction he's looking and my breath is hitched in my throat.

Dark hair, green eyes all of them.

I think I'm into older men cause, before me stands 5 literal Greek gods and 1 insanely way too beautiful for a 12 year old girl.

"Guys this is the friend I was telling you about. Prada" he introduces.

"That's Leo, Cameron, Bryce, Dez, Damon, and Jazz" he points.

"Hi I'm Prada" I offer.

"You're beautiful"

"You're gorgeous"

"You're stunning" they say. I don't know how says what.

"You're American!" Jazz says.

"Yes, yes, yes, and yes" I smile.

"I must say, I thought Jay was lying when he said he made a friend. But now I see why. You are absolutely breathtaking" Dez says whilst taking my hand.

"Let go of her hand Dez" Jay says firmly. Dez smirks at him, and he reminds me of Jay.

"We can obviously see that you are beautiful. But why exactly are you friends with Jay? Hate to be the one to break it to you but he's a twat" Cameron asks.

"I agree. He knows knows too much" I say, and they laugh.

"Makes sense" Leo says.

"Okay you've met them, let's leave now" Jay says, taking my hand. I ignore the tingly feeling in my hands.

"It was nice meeting you" I call out. I don't even hear they're reply.

We reach a less populated area and I start.

"You're brothers are... nice" I say.

"I warned you"

"It's okay, I find it cute that they annoy you like a younger brother"

"I hate it" he stays with me the entire time. Even after the ceremony.

For the reception, the entire hall has been transformed in literal minutes.

I sit and look around.

Jay shows up again and sits next to me.

"You look worked up. Are you okay?" I ask.

"My siblings are the literal worst" he groans and I laugh.

"It would be totally weird if they didn't tease you. Especially when you bring a breathtaking girl like me to a family event"

"You're not wrong, you do look stunning in white" he says and I resist the urge to blush.

"I look stunning in everything" I say, my voice evident with sass.

"Forgive me. You look stunning in everything" he corrects.

We just sit there and talk for a while.

"Do you want to dance" I offer. I should shut up, I really should.

"Sure" he leads me to the dance floor and the perfect slow song starts to play.

We just sway to the music and I can't help but admire how handsome he is. I noticed his one dimpled smile, and how there are gold specs in his eyes, all things I didn't notice before.

"Thanks for coming, I would have been very much alone and bored here without you" he says.

"You're welcome. Besides I would be very bored in my room if I wasn't here"

I stare at his green eyes and I just get lost in them. I could literally stand here forever.

"You really do look beautiful" he says. And I smile like an idiot.

"You don't look too bad yourself"

A/N: I love thissss 😭😭
Double update because I love you ❤️
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