7~Hoot and Holler

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You know that feeling you get when you just wake up? That disoriented one when your like;

'where am I?'

'who am I?'

Well that is how I feel right now that I have been violently woken up by my math teacher. I look around to see everyone looking at me.

"This is the third time I've woken you up miss Lexington!" she snaps.

Third time? Ma'am I don't even remember getting out of bed this morning. Those 2 other times you woke me up, hate to break it to you but I wasn't awake.

I mumble an apology as she goes back to teaching.

From the corner of my eye, I see Kayla silently laughing at me.

I roll my eyes and curse her inwardly as I try to take notes in class.

And immediately the bell rang signaling the end of the class, I pick up my things and sprint out.

I rush to my locker to wait for Amelia. I open my locker to switch my note books, but some one slams my locker shut.

If looks could kill, a certain Jamaican girl would be dead.

"Stay away from Jay you fugly slut. He doesn't like you and he will never like you" she warns as she shoves me. She has no idea how irritated I am today, so I decide to show her.

I push her violently to the ground.

"Stay away from me you stupid bitch. Stop being insecure around me, nothing will ever make me want to be around your boy toy. So you can stop acting like a wannabe mean girl, and mind your own fucking business"

The entire hallway goes dead silent and I start to feel bad. I see the rage in her eyes as she gets up and leaves.

I consider following her but I decide against it. She deserved it anyway.

"Okay? What was that about?" Amelia asks.

"I don't wanna talk about it"

The day just started and I already have a headache.

I go to my literature class, and I pick a seat by the window. And after a few minutes I regret choosing this spot.

The soccer team is gathered at the courtyard that I have a perfect view of from my seat.

And Jay seems to be the one cracking all the jokes that they laugh at.

Jay doesn't strike me as the funny kind. Dark humour maybe.

If only they knew how cruel he is, they probably won't find any of his jokes funny.

My attention is broken from the team to the test paper in front of me.

"Oh my God" I whisper. I totally forgot about the test today. I've been so caught up doing Jay's bidding, I haven't done any studying.

I hate, hate, hate that boy!


After the test, I get a text from Jay.

I have biology assignments that need to be done. Come get them at the locker room.

How has this become my life?

I march over the the boys locker room. Most of the soccer team is standing outside the locker room and I start to feel anxious.

You know that secret fear every girl has walking passed a group of boys? Yeah that is me right now, and even worse, I have to walk up to a group of boys.

I muster up enough courage to go over.

"Prada! What a pleasant surprise to see you here" Jamal says. I give him a little smile.

"So what brings you here?" He asks.

"I...um came to get something?"

"From the boys locker room?" One of the boys ask.

"I came to get something from Jay"

They all start to hoot and holler, with a series of 'oooohhh's'

"Ew not like that! I came to get biology questions" I say hitting them.

"Whatever you say. He's inside" Jamal says.

I go inside and I see nothing but shirtless guys.


"Finally you're here. I have to submit this before the end of the day, so if you don't mind be quick" a shirtless Jay commanded.

I can't lie. Even though I hate him to pieces. This guy is built like a Greek god.

Lucky me, I know how to hide my emotions. My face didn't falter once.

I snatch the paper from him, and I rush out.

Jamal and the other boys don't hesitate to hoot as soon as I come out.

I roll my eyes as I keep going.

Still hate him though.

A/N: what do you think about the other characters asides Prada and Jay?
Do you think what Prada did to Kayla was deserving or too harsh?
Keep reading to find out what happens next.
I love you so much 💕😭

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