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The entire day has been a blur. I don't even remember waking up this morning and now the school day is over.

If you held a gun to my head and asked me what I've learnt today, I'd be dead.

Amelia didn't even bother showing up at school today and I shouldn't have either.

By the courtyard, I see Kayla in her extra short uniform skirt trying to seduce Jay. Doesn't seem to be working though.

Can't this girl see that he doesn't like her?

I head to my room and I'm surprised to see Amelia on my bed.

"How was school?" She asked.

"How was school?" I mimick. She rolls her eyes at my childish reply.

"You leave me to go the entire day by myself. Thanks a lot bestie"

"You didn't die did you? Come closer, I want to tell you something" she calls.

I move to sit on the bed.

"I had so much fun yesterday! Jamal is just the best at... "

"I don't want to hear about how you had amazing sex with Jamal. I don't want to hear it" I cut her off.

"Fine. Did you have amazing sex with anyone yesterday?" She teases.

"No. I'm not like you"

"I think you should get a boyfriend. You haven't dated anyone since Toby fisher"

"Toby and I were not dating and you know it!"

"Prada we all know. No need to hide it. This was like ages ago"

I proceed to throw a pillow at her.

"I don't need a boyfriend, nor do I want a boyfriend. I'm perfectly fine with simping over fictional boys. Real human boys are overrated" I say.

"You are so weird" Amelia laughs.

"No I'm not"

"You see this is why you need a boyfriend. This craziness is caused by reading too many books. Which is why I don't read. And besides, there are literally hundreds of boys in this school waiting for your hand in marriage"

"Humans are not my type"

"You are pathetic"


"Eww!" We all remark. A bunch of us are at our usual table in the dining hall, and Luke Evans just said he thinks Kayla is hot.

"She is a skank bitch with no respect for herself" Lucy says and I agree.

"Come on dude, you gotta back me up here" he turns to Dylan, but Dylan shakes his head.

"I mean yeah, she is okay. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder but she is the worst. And when you are the worst you are automatically ugly"

"Thank you!" I say.

He just flips us off and we all laugh.

"No let's actually be serious. Who do you think is the prettiest girl in school is?" Amelia asks again.

"Duh? Me you fools" I say jokingly.



"Don't fool yourself"

They yell, and I laugh at their audacity.

"Whatever you say. But you should know when I win miss universe, none of your names will be in my speech" I say.

"Whatever. So who do you think is the hottest guy in school"

"Jamal" Amelia rushes.

"He's your boyfriend" Bella says.

"Doesn't matter"

"What about Jay?" I roll my eyes at the mention of his name.

"He is a jerk" I say.

"He's still hot" Lucy says.

"I don't think so"

As if he heard us, he looks right at me from the other side of the huge dinning hall. I doubt he heard though.

And like he cast some sort of spell on me, I can't seem to look away. I scowl at him and he turns away, breaking me free from the trance.

Just like Dylan said. If you are the worst, you are automatically ugly.

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