2~Vibe killer

36 10 4

PE sucks.

Don't let anyone tell you any different.

While the entire class is running laps. Amelia and I are walking laps.

I spent a whole 20 minutes on my makeup and I intend to keep it intact the whole day.

Coach Will has given up on the both of us and has stopped trying to get up to run because it's not happening.

"After we got back from France we decided to spend sometime at home in Ireland. I personally wanted to be anywhere else except France"

"Why do you hate France so much?"

"I don't hate it I'm just tired of it"

Amelia is from Ireland and her parents own some of the biggest real estate firms in the whole of Europe.

Her dark red hair is a clear indication of her Irish roots.

"Now now I don't think France is that bad" Jamal says from behind us.

Jamal Abdul-Malik is the son of famous actor and businesses mogul Kareem Abdul-Malik. He is from Dubai.

He is also Amelia's boyfriend, and get this, Jay's best friend. She couldn't find love anywhere else!

I do like Jamal though. He's really chill and very laid back. And he throws the wildest parties ever.

"Prada. Your skin is giving. I'm guessing it's the Vietnamese air you were breathing this break"

"Yes they're air is just the best skincare" I say.

"I'm sure. What do you ladies say to a party tonight. As a celebration of our last first day of school?" he says.

"Sure" I say and Amelia nods her head.

"Cool can't wait to see you girls in your short tight outfits. And the colour code is black"

"Okay" we both say.

"Can't wait!" He yells as he runs off.

"You heard the man, short tight outfits" she says.


"No, no, no, no!" Expensive clothing flies out of Amelia's closet and lands on the floor.

"I hate everything in here. I don't have anything to wear" she whines.

"What about this?" I say as I pick up a black body con dress.

"Short Prada. Jamal said short!"

"You know he was joking about that right?"

"I have taken it very seriously" she mumbles.

"What about this jumpsuit?" I say.

"I hate jumpsuits. I don't even know why I bought it. Can I borrow something from your closet" she asks and I nod.

We go over to my room, and into the closet.

I get most of my clothes from Shein or Instagram shops.

I'm am so lucky this school uses uniforms. I would not be able to keep up.

And if I wanted something designer I'd shop at thrift stores.

"I love this!" In her hand is a random black dress from Princess Polly.

"Where did you get it?" She asks hugging the dress.

"Some store in Japan. I thought it was really cute so I picked it up" I lie.

I hate lying to Amelia but I don't know what else to do.


I can already hear the music and we are 3 blocks away.

Posh cars fill the driveway down to the next neighborhood. I can already tell this is going to be one hell of a party.

We open the door, and I don't know whether it's the smell of weed, the sticky floors or the sight of all the fancy alcohol that makes me feel alive.

"I'm over by the drinks table if you need me" I tell Amelia as I skip over.

"Prada! You made it!" Jamal yells covered in glitter.

"Wouldn't miss a chance to get my underage drinking on!"

"Where is Amelia?" He yells over the music.

"Over there" I point to the living room.

He leaves and I continue my drinking. I meet up with a few people. Play a few drinking games, couple rounds of truth or dare and 7 minutes in heaven.

After about 4 hours, I begin to get tired.

I get restless and I decide to look for Amelia. I did see her go upstairs.

I start to check room by room.

I open the first door and this time I'm not surprised to see Jay and some brunette I've seen in the halls, making out.

"Sorry!" I say as I close the door.

I try the other doors, but they are all locked. I try calling her but no answer.

I text her that I'm leaving. And I head downstairs.

The party has died down now, and the only people left are the people that don't intend on attending school in the morning.

Why have a party on a school day?

I go to sit outside as I order my uber.

Someone opens the door, frightening me to the bone.

"Jesus, you scared me" I say still shook.

He doesn't say anything. He only looks down at me with a look of disgust.

"Stop with the nasty look" I say giving him one of my own.

"Stop disturbing my make outs. You kill the entire vibe"

"How am I responsible for you not locking the door when you need a jack"

He doesn't say anything, just rolls his eyes and goes back inside.

I get into my uber and I think of how much I hate him the entire way back to school.

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