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I must look like a child to everyone we've passed, because I'm pressed up against the windows, staring at every and anything.

I haven't exactly been anywhere in London. I've only ever been to Jamal's party house and a few high end stores with Amelia.

I'm just always in school.

And when I told Jay yesterday, he insisted we go somewhere, anywhere, just as long as I can say I've been somewhere besides Jamal's house.

We have been to a lot of touristy places, but I don't exactly know where we are going now.

"Prada, you're scaring people"

I peel myself off the glass, to look at Jay who has a boyish grin in his face.

"I'm just giddy. Where are we going now?"

"You'll see when we get there"

I look out the window in awe. Everything looks like it does in the movies.

"How long till we get there?" I ask.

"In like 10 minutes" he replies not taking his eyes off the road.

"Oh okay"

It's silent for a bit, until another question escapes from my mouth.

"How long are we gonna spend there?"

"As long as you want to"

"What are we gonna do there?"

"You'll find out soon enough"

"Would there b-"

Jay turns to look at me in annoyance.

"Prada shut up. I love you, but shut up"

I'm about to say something when a deafening honk snaps me out of it.

My eyes go wide.

My heart pounds so loud, so fast.

I grip my seat belt in fear.

My vision is blurred due to the tears that escape my eyes.

"Oh my God" I whisper.

I put my head in my trembling hands.

"Oh my God" I say over and over again.

I suddenly feel claustrophobic and like I can't breathe.

It's like I'm relieving the accident.

Like I'm re-feeling the fear, re-feeling the anxiety.

I haven't felt like this in a long time.

"Prada calm down. Just breathe"

I didn't realize he'd stopped the car and now he's outside the car crouching beside me trying to calm me down.

I take deep breaths trying my hardest to calm down.

I wipe my tears with my sleeve.

It takes me several moments to regroup.

And after he saw that I had calmed down be started talking.

"Are you okay? We just swerved a bit. It's my fault. I should have kept my eyes on the road" his voice is full of concern.

"No, no it's not your fault. I was talking too much. And I was distracting you"

"You couldn't help it. You were just excited" he says with a look of pity on his face.

"Yeah, I was excited, but that doesn't change anything"

He looks at me for a moment before speaking up again.

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