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"It's okay. Nothing has happened. He hasn't told anyone yet. It's fine" I say to myself.

Who would have thought. I was being a bad bitch yesterday, throwing expensive alcohol on jerks and here I am today hoping said jerk doesn't expose me.

I throw my hair in a ponytail and I head to the dining hall.

"Please let him not have told everyone. Please let him not have told everyone" I repeat.

I open the dining hall door and all eyes fall on me.

Don't tell me he did it!

Almost immediately, everyone goes back to what they were doing.

I let out a breath I didn't even know I was holding.

I go over to my regular table, and I catch up with my friends.

"You seem to love leaving me at parties" Amelia says.

"I'm sorry. I wasn't really in the mood to party. I will endeavor to leave you a text if I am leaving next time"

"Good" she nods.

They all get to talking, but I can't focus on what they are saying.

What if he is planning on how he'll tell everyone?

Or what if he's already telling people and the news hasn't reached the people in the dining hall?

My mind is so busy racing with what if's that I don't realize that they were calling me.

"Earth to Prada?" Dylan calls.


"You're always spacing out like that. Are you okay?" Bella asks.

"I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind that's all"


"Yeah I'm sure" I confirm.

They go back to talking and once again my mind starts with a new round of what if's, and I'm only snapped out of it when Jay angrily walks into the dining hall.

My heart is beating dangerously fast, I could have a heart attack right here.

I turn away, so he won't see me.

I hate feeling like this.

I didn't even used to know who Jay was really, now I'm paranoid around him.

I could stand up to him without feeling bad, now I am scared he's going to ruin me.

"I'm a bit tired I think I'm gonna go"

"What! You haven't even touched you're food?" Amelia exclaims.

"I'm not hungry" I say as I hurry to leave.

I get up and I am ambushed by Jay's eyes. They lock me in place.

When I say this boy is a wizard...

I tear my eyes away from his and I leave the dining hall.

I decide to go to the library and finish some assignments.

I get inside and I go to my usual section and I begin to work.

And after a few hours I close my eyes and when I open them again, I realize it's 6:37pm.

"How the hell did I sleep for 5 hours?"

I gather my things and I decide to take a stroll around school.

The thing I love most about this school, is the architecture. It's kinda built like a castle.

It has that old quaint look to it.

I sit down on one of the benches and I just stare. At nothing in particular.

I stare past everything, and after a while something moves to block my view.

I look up and it's none other than Jay.

I roll my eyes and I look away.

"Do you mind if I talk to you?" Oh now you have manners?

I don't respond. No answer is an answer so he should take it or leave it.

"I...uh wanted to say..."

"Say what?"

"That I'm sorry" he blurts.

I am pleasantly surprised.

"I'm sorry for the way I treated you. I don't often apologize, so you should count yourself lucky that you've witnessed it"

I stare at him in utter disbelief.

Jay Felix, the biggest jerk in the land, is apologizing to me.

"For what?" I ask dauntingly.

"For... for being unkind, and cruel-

"And a jerk asshat, that doesn't deserve anything good in life"

"That too. I'm just sorry for everything. I shouldn't have put you in that kind of situation. I'm sorry"

I look for a joke, or a prank in his eyes, but all I see is genuine remorse.

"Fine. I forgive you"

His eyes light up at the mention.

"Really? You're not joking are you?"

"Do I look like I'm joking?" I say.

"I don't know. Why don't we just start over. Get to know each other" he suggests.

"Okay? What do you wanna know?"

"Anything. Do you got any siblings?" He asks.

"No it's just me. What about you? Do you have any siblings?"

"Yes. I have 5 older brothers and 1 younger sister"

That's crazy.

"6 other siblings is crazy. What are their names?"

"There's Leo, he's 27. There's Cameron, he's 25. Then Bryce, he's 23. Then Dex and Damon, they're 22 and 21, then me, I'm 18. And lastly Jazz, she's 12"

"Oh my God, I'd love to meet them"

"You wouldn't. Except for Jazz, everybody else is terrible"

I laugh at him hating his family.

"If you don't mind me asking, because this is a straight forward question, who are you exactly?" He asks.

I take a deep breath.

"I am Prada Lexington, obviously, and I lived in the US until I was 11. One day, my parents and I were driving home from somewhere and some guy hit us, then we crashed, and they died. And I was the only one that survived. When Mrs Grace heard about what happened, she flew me over and I stayed at her place and was homeschooled for a while, until I was old enough to go here. Her and my parents were friends. And that's how I attend Regent. And when I got here, I wanted to fit in so badly that I started to lie. Now I'm here and the rest is history" I explain.

"I'm so sorry about that" he says

"It's fine, it's been so long that I sometimes don't even remember it"

He sympathizes with me and I just can't believe that this is the same Jay that was so mean before.

"So yeah. That's my life. I should get going, I'll see you around I guess" I say awkwardly as I scurry away.


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