A Promise...

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They jogged slowly round the park. Partly because they were keeping an eye out for the elusive James and partly because neither wanted the run to be over.  This was their time. Together. Both knew that work would keep them apart once the world woke up each day. 

"Tom?"  She paused to re-tie her shoelace, kneeling on the grass.  Looking up, she saw him pause and jog back to her.

"Yes, kitten?" He smiled, and her heart skipped a beat.

"Do you mind if we go and look for James, I'm getting a little worried." She stood up, and he took her hand and squeezed it gently. Seeing the genuine worry on her face, he hugged her. Some things were more important than avoiding being papped hugging a pretty girl.

"Of course not, come on. Let's go." Separating again, they jogged to the park gates.  Pausing at the road, they let the traffic past and jogged on along  towards James's flat.  The nearer they got, the faster she ran until she was running full pelt. Tom tried to pull her back and calm her down.  This had the potential to be something very, very wrong.

The reason? The ambulance sitting outside the block and the small crowd of people watching as a tall, lean man in his mid forties with an oxygen mask on was wheeled on a trolley into it.

"JAMES!!!" she screamed as the doors shut and the ambulance left, blues and twos piercing the early morning air."JAMES!!!!!"

Tom caught her as she collapsed in a sobbing heap on the road. "James...." He picked her up in his arms and carried her inside the building. One of the bystanders came forward.

"I'm Bill, James's neighbour. Come with me, there's been... well, I was just going to call Molly."  He did a slight 'dont I know you' at Tom but said nothing.

Molly was inconsolable.

James had collapsed in the hallway of the building on his way out to meet them.  Bill had almost fallen over him as he left to walk his dog. He'd seen James looking as blue as it was possible to be, instantly called 999 and started CPR. The paramedics had arrived within minutes.  They'd fought hard and got him back, but he needed immediate intensive care. Cardiac arrests - what this had turned out to be - outside of hospital had a notoriously low survival rate.

Bill let them into James's flat with the spare key he kept for emergencies. Emergencies like this. As Molly went and put a bag of wash stuff and clothes together for her brother, more to occupy her mind than any practical use, Bill pulled Tom aside.

"It's not looking hopeful. Paramedics said if he'd been lying as long as his colour and temperature suggested... even if he survives..." he trailed off as Molly passed, walking into the bathroom. He lowered his voice still further, "I know it's a lot to ask, and I know you probably have a million other places to be, but they dont have any other family. Could you possibly, even just for a little while.."

"Stay with her? Wasn't planning on being ANYWHERE else." Tom nodded and turned to Bill so that Molly couldn't see his face.  "Do you think he's..."

"Going to die? You don't need to hide it." Her voice at his back made him jump. He turned, his stomach twisting. "I'm not a child, Tom." She glared at him."I'm not... a... ch-child." Her lip trembled, and her eyes filled with tears again.  Without a further word, her face crumpled, and he gathered her into his arms.

"I know, kitten, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to imply anything. I just want to protect you." He stroked her back gently. "I just want to be there for you."

" 's ok. I'm sorry, too." She sniffed loudly and looked up at him."Can we go now?" Tom nodded and turned to Bill.

"Thanks, Bill. We'll keep you up to speed. Ok, if we pop back later?"

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