Something new...

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They'd had the ceremony, they'd had the meal and the dance.  They'd forgone official speeches since it would have been a bit one-sided, so they just waited until after the first dance when Tom took the floor to say a few words. 

He stood, kissing her cheek as he went, taking a large swallow of champagne for Dutch courage.  Award winning actor?  Easy.  Say a few well chosen words in front of the world's fiercest critics?  No problem.  Make a speech to his family and friends and wife of a few hours?  Terrifying.  He decided short and sweet was the way to go.

He looked at Molly and felt his heart soar. She looked stunning in ivory lace.  Her dress was fitted and classic but oozed sex appeal.  Covered but enticing.  Modest as suited her, but to him?  Oh, so inviting.  And she had a surprise for him underneath that he would find later.  But that wasn't in his mind, not yet.  It would be, though, for a long time to come.

"On behalf of my wife and myself..." The room was filled with laughter, cheers and even whistles from some of the more 'outgoing' members of the party, "I would just like to thank you all for coming to our little celebration." Tom lifted his glass and raised a toast. "To my wonderful wife, to the future and to all of you - you're going to have to put up with me being SICKENINGLY happy for the rest of my days. To Molly and to love!" 

"To Molly and to love!" The echoes filled the room.  Molly looked around as she sipped her champagne.  It was like some kind of surreal movie.  At their table, Chris and Elsa.  At another, Robert and Susan sat with Benedict and Sophie.  At another, christened the 'Naughty Boys' table,  Jeremy, Sebastian and Anthony, and Chris E. 

All had become good friends over the last year and a half.  They had postponed twice; once because filming overran, and Tom couldn't physically get home in time - not his fault. And once because she could no longer fit into her wedding dress -  ENTIRELY his fault.

That reason now lay content in his Auntie Emma's arms as she sat two or three seats to her left.  Today - and the next two weeks were hers and Tom's.  Emma and his mum, now her lovely Mother in Law, had volunteered to be Nannies for their honeymoon.  Secretly, she suspected they just wanted a chance to spoil Jamie rotten.  She didn't mind.  Relatives?  Wanting to be involved?  Dream come true territory for her.

She got to her feet and tapped her glass with a spoon.  The room fell silent, everyone looking at her, including her husband.  Her husband.  For a moment, she was lost, just looking at him, silly smile on her face.  Someone from the direction of the Naughty Boys' table coughed loudly, and she laughed and looked round. "Sorry, got caught in Tom's glow!" she said with a smile as a certain Captain America tried to hide under the table as his 'friends' roasted him about a similar comment several years before.

"No, seriously, what I wanted to say was thank you.  To you..." she turned to Tom's family, all ranged along beside them. "To you..." she indicated the guests with a special smile for Chris and Elsa who had become like family to her too, "and especially to you, darling." she held a hand out to Tom, who took it and kissed it gently. 

"You all know my story, how we met, how we quite literally fell for each other," there were a few sniggers, "and how, with Tom's unflagging determination and my sheer bloody mindedness we completed that marathon.  Now, we have completed our family.  Me, Tom and Jamie." she looked at Emma, who blew her a kiss. "I just want to say that this day has been the thing I dreaded most. Not marrying Tom, despite Emma's warnings, but being here without James to share in my day." There were a few emotional intakes of breath, but she carried on, voice getting stronger again.

"When I lost my parents, my brother James stepped up.  He was my father, my brother, my friend, and my world.  For almost thirty years. Then, just like that, he was gone.  I never thought I would find someone who could replace him.  Who could make me feel safe, secure, loved, and above all worthy of a life full of joy."  she stopped and swallowed.

You could have heard a pin drop. "But I did, and then some.  I found a man who loved me, cherished and respected me, built me up, and bashed me on the proverbial head when I was an ass." There were a few tentative giggles. "He took my fragile and hurting soul and made it stronger.  He took my memories and made them brighter.  He took my heart.. and he hasn't bloody well given it back!" she laughed and turned to Tom.

"Darling, I promised to love you from this point on,  well, I'm afraid that was a bit of a lie." she turned and winked to the assembled company, "I already did.  Ladies, gentlemen, and that lot over there... "she pointed in the direction of the Naughty Table, raising more laughter, "I give you Tom Hiddleston, actor, singer, dancer, and all-around hero, otherwise known as my husband." she toasted him, and he flushed and hid his face.  

Cheers and toasts echoed around the room.  Molly put her glass down and pulled him to stand with her, holding him tightly, she whispered in his ear. "You remember Tiramisu?" was all she said, one eyebrow delicately raised as he looked at her, his eyes ablaze."Well, I just had some, and now...." she licked her lips." I think it's time we went to get changed, don't you?"

Tom smiled down at her, like he was about to devour her whole. "Oh darling, you have NO idea how much I want to get you out of that beautiful dress." he whispered "and into my bed."  She blushed. He still had the capacity to do that to her, even now.  She gently ran her hands over his chest, feeling the muscles under the snowy white shirt. He felt a jolt of electricity as she briefly let her fingernails trace over his skin. 

"Let's check on Jamie, and then we can go." she said, pulling his hand, and they walked over to where Emma sat, quite literally holding the baby.

"You ok, Sis?" Tom asked, bending to kiss her cheek and to look at his son.  Still asleep, despite the noise going on around him, he already had a fine head of golden red curls to match his dad.

"Perfectly fine, Tom, " she nodded and turned to Molly, "you ok? You look stunning, Molls.  Have done all day.  This marriage thing really suits you - at last!" they shared a laugh. "You two should go. Start your honeymoon before all the madness really descends.  I'm going to take this little one up to bed shortly.  We're staying here tonight, so he'll be just grand." she stood, and Tom's mum came over, kissing Tom and Molly and hugging them tightly. 

"You two go - have a wonderful time in... where are you going again?" she asked, and Tom put his hands over Molly's ears.

"It's a surprise. We're heading out in the morning.  Tonight we're staying somewhere posh and then it's first class almost all the way!" he beamed. Molly wriggled free and swiped at him playfully. 

"I CAN hear you, Mr Hiddleston," she laughed. "I just hope I've packed the right stuff." she shrugged and looked at him. 

"Oh, don't you worry about that love." he said cryptically. "Now, time for us to change.  Come on, Mrs Hiddleston." he kissed Emma and his mum again and pulled Molly by the hand.

"I'm hungry," he looked at her intently, his eyes locked to hers, blazing with pent-up desire. "I need a little snack before we do anything else...." ignoring the stares, he kissed her deeply, sweeping her into his arms. As they walked away, hand in hand, his mum shook her head.

"I'll never understand that boy.  Big meal, and he's still hungry?" 

Emma groaned and shook her head  "oh mother...." was all she said.

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