Three Coins....

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Rome was everything she remembered and more. More, because this time, she was with the man she loved. The Colosseum, the Forum, the Circus Maximus all as impressive as before. The Palatine Hill gardens, the Sistine Chapel as beautiful. Each though, magnified to the power of love.

On their second night, they were eating in a small restaurant recommended to them by the hotel they were staying in. Located in the Trastevere district, it was small and homely, run by a husband and wife team who welcomed them like old friends.

Pizza and pasta, all home made of course, and Tiramisu that made the version they enjoyed so much at home pale in comparison. The wine was from anonymous bottles but tasted amazing. The ambience was relaxed and the place full of locals. They loved it.

As they ate and drank and laughed - a lot - they fell ever more in love. It was just that kind of a city. It was just that kind of a love.

Walking back to the hotel later, his arm around her shoulder, she looked up at him. Whether it was a little too much wine or just it really was the right moment, she stopped and looked.

"Tom?" she said quietly, "Can I ask you something?" she took his hand shyly and led him over to stand next to one of the most iconic symbols of Rome, the Trevi Fountain. Even now, at night, it was stunning. Sitting on the little wall that surrounded it, they faced each other. In the moonlight, Tom's cheeks were so defined that it took her breath away.

As he looked down at her, he could see her eyes sparkle and her cheeks glow. She had never looked more beautiful. He smiled and kissed her gently. As he pulled back, he sighed lightly, content in his world. "What would you like to know, little one? I have no secrets, I will tell you no lies. My heart and my conscience are yours."

"Shakespeare?" she tipped her head to the side, not recognising it. He shook his head. "Marlowe?" Again, no. He smiled and kissed her again, whispering in her ear.

"I'm flattered... it's pure, Hiddleston!" he sat back and laughed softly, making her blush in the dark. She smiled and took his hand again.

"Tom, I was wondering, just a thought, Would you come back with me? Some day. When all this nonsense about my family is settled and we have more time? Only if you'd like to, these have been the most wonderful but shortest days of my life, darling." she looked up at him and smiled. "I'll never forget them."

"Nor should you, my sweet, I will always be here to remind you of them." he smiled and stroked her cheek softly.

There was so much else he wanted to say, but now was not the time, no matter how much he really, really wanted it to be. "Look, hold on." he stood up and scrabbled around in his pocket. "Ah, HA!" he cried in triumph. In his palm lay two coins. One for him, one for her. She grinned and took one, knowing exactly what he planned.

Turning their backs on the fountain, they tossed the coins over their shoulder, making their wishes. Afterwards, they kissed, arms around each other, looking almost like one of the classical statues that surrounded them.

"Time to go, love," Tom whispered,"we still have tomorrow." She looked up at him and nodded. Suddenly, she was overcome with wine and emotion and a desperate desire to say what was in her heart. She blurted out.

"I love you, Tom. I want us to be together forever. Tom, will...." she was silenced by a kiss so deep, so tender she could hardly breathe.

When they parted, he smiled at her as she opened her eyes, still stunned.

"Little kitten. My darling little kitten." His eyes were shining with tears he was struggling to hold back. "I know what you were going to say." He smiled again and nodded.

She looked down, suddenly deflated, suddenly ashamed. She'd made a mess of it. Of it all. He tipped her chin up to look at her. "Now, dont do that kitten. There's no reason for tears, I promise."

He held her hand to his heart. "Believe me when I tell you that I love you. Believe me when I tell you I will NEVER leave you. But also believe me when I tell you I want to be the one asking that question. Not because of any foolish male pride. Not because I think it's too soon or to anything else." She began to weep softly, and he stroked the tears away.

"Shhh, my darling. It's because I want YOU to have the experience. To feel that loved. You deserve it, my love. You deserve the surprise. The delight. The romance. You are the most special person I have ever known and have no doubt that we will be together forever, I just dont want you to miss out on a single thing anymore. So, when you least expect it, be prepared to answer one of life's biggest questions...." he trailed off and wiped the last of the tears from her cheeks.

"Coke or Pepsi?"

For a split second, there was silence, and then they both erupted into laughter. The moment was saved and so were her feelings. She felt there was nothing now she couldn't face.

"Oh Tom, you are a nutter. A loveable, handsome nutter. Come on , let's go back. I have something I want to do."

Hand in hand, they walked back to the hotel, planning their future. All they had to do now was decide when that would start.

First, though, Molly had one last piece of history to lay to rest. She knew now exactly how to do it.

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