Breakfast and Tiffany's

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The door slammed shut behind them as he carried her over the threshold.  They'd changed and left the reception in a whirl of goodbyes, kisses, and no small measure of teasing from their so-called 'friends'.  Comments ranged from fairly polite to the downright scandalous.

His mum reminded them with a smile to try and see the sun once a day, making Tom and Molly blush and Emma snort with laughter. Chris made a sly comment about not breaking 'Loki's pokey stick' which made Tom and Molly both laugh loudly.

"So Mrs Hiddleston, like the first part of your surprise?" he asked, carrying her into the livingroom of the suite. She looked around and smiled, tears forming.  

"Oh darling YES! This is just another dream come true.  I always wanted to stay here and I never in a million years dreamed it would be with you.  Or a suite!" she kissed him and smiled.  Tom's heart was full.  Her sweet reaction was exactly what he'd hoped for.  As they'd drawn up in the taxi, her face had been a picture of shock.  As they'd walked into the lobby and were greeted by Franc the Hotel Executive Director, she had been beaming if a little shy.  Personal greeting?  Well, for once he was happy to pull the 'Hollywood A-lister ' card if it gave his little kitten the experience she so richly deserved.

Now, he carried her through to the bedroom and laid her gently on the huge bed.  He popped open the bottle of champagne currently nestled in the silver ice bucket and poured it into the monogrammed crystal flutes.  Walking back across, he handed her one as she sat propped against the multitude of pillows.

"Happy Wedding Day Mrs Hiddleston" he said softly, touching his glass to hers.  

"Happy Rest of our Lives Mr Hiddleston" she replied and they sipped the vintage wine.  It was icy cold, the perfect antidote to the fire raging inside them.  

"Excuse me just one minute my love." he said, kissing her and then walking back through to the living room.  He came back with a small, distinctly turquoise blue gift bag.  She recognised it immediately and her eyes widened.

"Tom?  What have you done?" she asked, a smile spreading across her face as he handed it to her, climbing onto the bed beside her. "We got each other presents before.  No more Tom, really, there is no more I could possibly wish for!" she opened it carefully, looking at him with a grateful smile.

"And THAT my love is exactly why I want to shower you with gifts. You never want anything for yourself.  Take my watch for example... you spent far too much of your precious hard earned money on me darling.  It's very beautiful though, and I thank you again from the bottom of my heart." he looked at his wrist, the black and silver watch with it's distinctive winged logo nestling at the cuff of his shirt.  On the back it was inscribed with their initials and a date. Their date.  The day they first met.

Pulling apart the matching tissue paper, a small box was nestling deep in the bag.  Hands shaking, she pulled it out.  What could this be?  She had her fabulous engagement ring, her beautiful and brand new wedding ring so what?  As she opened it, she gasped.  The light caught and the contents twinkled.  The diamonds like icy fire.  A beautiful half-eternity.  Platinum and diamonds. "oh TOM!" she breathed, slipping it from the clutches of the black velvet cushion it lay on.

"I know this is normally given on the birth of our first child, and since we seem to have accomplished that more than wonderfully..." he shrugged and took it from her.  Taking her hand, for the second time that day he slipped a ring onto her finger.  "Eternity seems such an inadequate word now. " he rested his forehead on hers and smiled into a deep kiss.

A deep kiss that turned into a night of passion, perhaps even more intense than even they had anticipated.  It was not just a physical act, although that in itself left them breathless and panting throughout the night, but the final meeting of souls. In all their touching, tasting and exploring. In all the moving and loving and feeling.  In the shared cries of delight, deepest desire and darkest passion, neither needed to speak words to know what the other was thinking, feeling, wanting.  A look, a nod, a smile. A hand here, a kiss there, all were enough.  

Finally, in the morning light, they lay sleeping in a tangle of limbs and spent passion.  Her head, nestled in the crook of his neck, his arms wrapped protectively around her. A smile on both their faces.  A smile that neither could have forced off, even on pain of death.  This truly was bliss.

Eventually, as the sun rose higher, they were woken by a discrete but insistent knock at the door of their suite.  Tom stirred first, his eyes at first refusing to work. He yawned and blinked them into life, the first sight his wife lying in his arms.  His wife. What a wonderful thought.  Before he had a chance to fall into that particular daydream, the knock sounded again.  

Gently he prised himself away from Molly and grabbing a robe, went to the door.  As he looked at the clock he realised it was almost 10.30am  They'd slept alot later than he'd ever imagined.  No rush though, their flight wasn't until 4.30pm.

Opening the door, a butler stood with their breakfast trolley.  He'd completely forgotten he'd ordered them room service breakfast!  With a flushed smile, he ushered the butler in who proceeded to set up their lavish feast in the living room.  Tom meanwhile went back through and gently woke his sleeping princess with a kiss.

"Morning darling, breakfast is here." he kissed her softly and she smiled without opening her eyes.

"You say the most romantic things darling" she giggled and he stroked her cheek making her grasp his hand and move her head to kiss it. "Give me two minutes."

"Ok, don't be long." he bent and kissed her again then walked back through to the living room.

The butler had discretely done his job and left by the time Tom walked back in.  The small table was laden with fruit, jams, juice, tea and coffee, pastries and toast.  Two silver cloches protected the cooked breakfast beneath from getting cold.  The snowy white tablecloth, the bone china plates and cup, the silver flatware and the crystal tumblers of juice all added to the luxurious air.

Just as he was about to steal a piece of toast, Molly wandered through in her robe, her eyes still half shut, her hair a golden cloud of sleepy abandon.  When she saw the banquet before her, her smile was as wide as the table.  

"Ooooooh!" she clapped her hands together. "This looks AMAZING!" she laughed "Not that I'm food driven much!" she hugged Tom tightly "Thank you darling." she kissed him then sat down. "So, what do you want me to leave you?" she asked with a sly smile.

"Darling, as long as YOU never leave me, you can eat the ENTIRE breakfast!" he grinned.

"If I ate the ENTIRE breakfast I'd be the size of a house and YOU would leave ME!" she countered with a grin as she buttered her first piece of toast. 

"Agreed!" he shrugged and she scowled at him, forehead furrowed. He laughed at her "Ah there's my little wild kitten! How could I EVER leave that?" 

She grinned and they tucked in.

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