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"Ok, so where ARE we going?" she wheedled at him on the way to the airport.  She'd tried not to ask a million times that day. Honestly, she had. Now, as they approached Gatwick Airport, she could keep it in no longer. "I KNOW you said it was a surprise, but they will tell us on the plane anyway!" she reasoned, and he laughed, kissing her quickly.  She was adorable when she was excited.  She was adorable anyway.

"Ok, I'll tell you this much. The flight is almost eleven hours long." he relented as he looked at her.  Would she guess?  Would she be angry.  Suddenly, his stomach dropped.  Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea after all.  He'd wanted her to have a slice of paradise.  Off grid and just for them.  He'd come to the conclusion that there was only one logical place.  Plans had been laid for months, just getting postponed and postponed.  Now, as the reality began to hit home, he felt uncharacteristically scared.

"Eleven hours?  That's.... well, it's not the middle of Russia - or China!" she said with a frown of concentration.  "And it's too short for Australia, so that leaves....Transatlantic!" she crowed with the air of someone who'd just solved the riddle of the Sphinx. 

"Bravo, my clever little kitten!" he clapped and smiled. "But that's a pretty big place.  You'll just have to wait a little longer for the exact finishing post." he winked, and she groaned.

"I hate you!" she whined and crossed her arms over her chest with a scowl, Tom laughed and cuddled her close. 

"Do you now?  Is that so?" he tipped a finger under her chin, so she looked up into his eyes. "Does my little wildcat REALLY hate me so much?  When I look like this?" And with that, he turned on "the smoulder. "  For a couple of seconds, she tried to keep a straight - and scowling - face but couldn't do it.  Her laughter filled the taxi. 

"No, you're right. I don't hate you," she said, her eyes shining. "I love you.  No matter HOW infuriatingly good you are at keeping secrets!" They kissed, starting lightly and as their newly-wed passion took over, more deeply until they broke off, flushed and slightly breathless.

Tom swallowed and sat back.  Good grief, man, he thought, you can't be wanting to make love to her EVERY time she kisses you....can you? He grinned and looked out the window. They were drawing up at the terminal. "We're here, love." he turned and smiled at her.  She was almost jumping up and down with excitement.  He hoped that would last.

As they walked through the terminal, a few fans and photographers spotted them. They smiled and kept walking.  A few shouted questions, mostly polite, a few cheeky.  Tom and Molly merely smiled and Tom raised a hand in greeting. He paused as they reached the lounge they would wait for their flight in. 

"Ladies, Gentlemen.... please.  Yes, we're VERY married now.  NO we are NOT about to tell you where we're going on honeymoon and yes,  since Molly IS married to the most handsome man on the planet so why wouldn't she be happy?"  there was a guffaw of laughter and for once, Molly spoke.

"And don't forget modest!" she smiled and he kissed her, the light of a thousand flashbulbs illuminating them.  They gave a final wave and disappeared into the lounge.

"Mr and Mrs Hiddleston... pleased to meet you... do come this way... " the staff member on the reception desk led them through to the peace and tranquillity of the first class lounge. 

It was a haven of peace and quiet.  Separated into distinct areas, it offered a space to eat, relax or even work if you wanted.

Tom and Molly picked up a couple of coffees and a few snacks to nibble, then walked over to the seating area.  Plush carpet soaked up any excess noise, allowing for a restful background music of soothing classics.  The sofas and chairs were richly upholstered with comforting cushions to aid the weary traveller  - or indeed just those that were weary OF travelling.   Lighting was subtle and relaxed,  if you needed to read, spotlights were located next to the chairs.  All in all, a world - an admittedly expensive world - away from the circus going on outside.  

"This is lovely darling, " she said as she tried not to stare around.  "Don't think I've ever travelled in such a posh way!" she grinned and looked up at him with a slight blush. "Sorry if I do anything wrong."

"Oh Molls" he smiled and squeezed her hand "It's no more than you deserve.  Truthfully I don't travel like this all the time, I just can't reconcile the expense in my head, but for this?  For you?  It's a real pleasure.  Only the best for my wife." he kissed her cheek softly.  "My wife.  What a wonderful sound." 

"Oh Tom, you old romantic!" she said and grasped his hand, "Come on, lets sit and relax a while.  I want to snuggle with my husband." she giggled and blushed delicately.  "Did you hear her call me Mrs Hiddleston?  That, my darling, will NEVER get old." 

As they sat and sipped their drinks, relaxing into the plush sofa, Tom slid his arm around Molly and she snuggled into his side.  "You handled that little crowd extremely well darling." he said quietly "I promise to try and protect you from it as much as I can, but knowing you can deal with them when you have to, makes me feel so much better." he kissed the top of her head. "You never fail to make me so proud.  Every single day."  His conscience pricked him again and he knew it was time.  They'd be boarding soon and there would be no escape from it then.

For a moment he paused, "Molly?  Do you really want to know where you're going?" he asked softly, his voice tinged with fear.  Fear she instantly picked up on. 

"Yes, yes I do... what's up?  Tom?" she pulled back and sat up, turning to face him and grasped his hand. "Is - is there something up?"

"Welllll, when I planned this, you know..." he paused and swallowed "a while ago before we had to postpone.." he seemed to pale before her eyes and she began to feel distinctly uneasy. "It all seemed like a good idea.  Now, months later, I'm beginning to second guess myself." 

"Darling, you always do things for me with my own interests at heart.  I know, whatever it is, this is just the same.  Why on EARTH would you be worried about a holiday destination?  What could possibly upset me about that?  It's not as if we're going to be marooned on a remote island." she smiled and laughed gently.  Tom didn't. Her stomach began to churn.  What had he done?

"That's the thing.  You see, I thought you might want to... well I didn't want you never to see... I mean... at the time it was difficult for you so I thought in a more relaxed setting..." he fumbled and stumbled through the sentences.  Eloquent actor and speaker?  You'd never guess from the nonsense now tumbling from his lips.  He looked like he was about to pass out and it suddenly struck Molly. Long flight, distant island, upset Tom.  It all added up to...

"Carriacou?" she said softly, her heart thudding in her chest.  Until now, she hadn't realised just how hard she'd tried to forget about it but really didn't want to. A part of her always wondered.. always would if she was honest.  But now, the house had been sold and that as they say was that. Or so she thought.  In the 20-20 vision of hindsight, she'd regretted not going.  She'd regretted not being a bit more, well, understanding.  It was too late.  Or so she thought.

Tom said nothing but nodded, a look of fear in his eyes.  Her heart melted.  How could she be angry?  He had done nothing but remedy a situation of her own making.  Now, thanks to him, she was getting the chance she thought she'd blown.

She said nothing more, she took his face between her hands and looked deep into his eyes.  As he moved to kiss him, oblivious to everyone and everything around them, all that escaped her was a heartfelt,

"Thank you"

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