Paradise Found

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Life in the Hiddleston household could never be described as boring.  From red carpet premiers to paddling in the sea off the East Coast of England with their little one, Tom and Molly had a ball.  Family life was even more rewarding than either of them had ever anticipated. And the best bit?  For Tom it was every time he looked at his family.  Just looked at them. His darling little boy, the apple of his eye. His beautiful wife, his entire reason for being. Nothing and no-one could spoil their happiness.  Not even some ghosts.  Not now those ghosts were laid to rest.  Molly looked at the framed photo on the kitchen wall as she did the dishes.  It was a three storey house, painted pale green and had pink flowers growing up the outside.  The sun was shining and the sky was blue and the palm trees verdant and lush.  It was a little slice of paradise and it was all theirs.

Carricaou had been a revelation in many ways.  It had been a long, long flight.  Two in fact, then a ferry.  It had been eighteen hours before they finally set foot on the island.  Gus and Lesley Patrice had been there to meet them just as they'd originally planned.  They hugged them like old friends, they drove them straight to the villa Tom had asked them to arrange and then, left them with a promise of breakfast in paradise.

As they got ready for bed, a tiny gecko scuttled up the wall and Molly gasped in delight.  Her eyes shining, she turned to Tom. "Did you see him?  The little guy?  So cute!"  She grinned "I think I'm going to like it here." 

And that was how it started.  Their grand adventure.  It ended two weeks later with more hugs, more promises of breakfast in paradise and Tom and Molly taking the keys to their home with them.  

The last surprise had been on the final night.  Tom and Molly had enjoyed a leisurely meal with new found friends a local restaurant.  They'd feasted on spicy chicken, fresh veg and drank local beer.  It was, quite simply, paradise.

As they walked back to the villa, they stopped to look out over the sea.  It sparkled with the reflection of the moon, the warm breeze drifting across their faces.  Tom slid his arms around her and looked down.


"Yes love?" she turned from the view to look at him.  

"You like it here don't you?  Despite the rocky introduction. Despite the ghosts." he looked at her intently, mentally crossing his fingers. "Would you come back?  Now you've seen it for yourself?"

She looked at him and nodded,  "funny, I was just thinking that.  Even after all the angst and the pain, yes.  Yes I would come back in a heart beat.  And do you know why?"

"Tell me kitten" he said quietly, "Why?"

"Because here, strangely, for the first time, I feel settled.  Truly settled and at peace.  He may not have been my father, but for all those years, he was my Dad.  I see now why they left.  I dont hate them, I pity them.  They missed the best years of James and me.  We will never do that, miss the best years of our children." she smiled. "And now I know the perfect place to bring them, to escape and be happy.  You and Me and them." 

Tom smiled.  "Them?" he said softly "Them?"

"Well, yes" she looked at him with a smile "Now we've got the hang of this parent lark, would seem a shame to waste our talents don't you think?" she grinned and even in the moonlight, he could see her blush.

"Well,in that case, don't you think we should have somewhere to bring them?  Somewhere we can call home from home?" he smiled, and she nodded.

"What a great idea.  We can come back and look for somewhere." she paused and sighed a little. "If only I hadn't been so silly and let that beautiful house slip through our fingers...."

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