I'm Here

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Molly was sitting reading a magazine in the hairdressers the next day, head under the hairdryer, and zoned out when there was a buzz around her and the salon ground to a halt.

The reason? A certain Hollywood star had just walked in, armed with a huge bunch of flowers and a winning smile. 

Molly only became aware of the world stopping when a pair of long legs, ending in some very recognisable grey suede boots, came into her line of vision.

"TOM!" She cried rather too loudly, deafened by the noise of the drier.  Her face lit up as he knelt down and passed her the roses, along with a soft kiss.

"Will you be long, love?" He said with a smile. "I'll wait for you in the cafe next door." He kissed her again and took the flowers for safe keeping. Molly smiled broadly and nodded.


Completely unaware she was actually shouting, she smiled broadly.  Tom, along with most of the salon, burst into laughter, and he nodded.

She sat back as he left. Her boy was home. He'd come home. To her. When she needed him. God, she loved him so much.

An hour later, they were eating cake and drinking coffee.  Tom closed his eyes and savoured the taste of the sponge, the jam and cream making it all the more delicious. Molly smiled as  she watched him devour the best part of the whole slice before he stopped for breath.

"Hungry?" She teased gently.

"Starving!" He laughed for a second, then winked, "and not just for cake!"

"Thomas!" She blushed furiously and looked at her plate. A smile flirted around her lips, and she looked back up at him.  "Me too." She whispered.

Without a word, Tom stood up and grabbed her hand.  He pulled her to her feet, his eyes burning. "Coat" was all he said as he moved to the door.  Grabbing the attention of a waitress, he pressed some cash into her hand. "Sorry. Something has come up. We need to go. Thanks so much." He smiled, the waitress melted, and they left.

His car was a couple of minutes down the street, and soon, they were heading to her home.  They still hadn't exchanged any further conversation.  As they drove, they looked at each other, eyes telling each other everything they needed to hear.

Fifteen minutes later, they pulled up outside her house. Tom jumped out and came round to open her door.  Helping her out, he took the chance to kiss her deeply, pinning her against the car for a moment.  She could feel him pressed against her, and the fire raged even hotter.

"Inside, now." He growled, pulling her hand and leading her to the door. He stood behind her, arms around her waist as she unlocked it, his mouth fastened to her neck.  "Hurry or I'll take you where we stand."

She thrust the door open, and they piled into the hall in a tangle of mouths, hands, and lust.

Tom pressed her against the back of the front door, the wood warm against her back as he almost tore the clothes from her.  His mouth, previously attached to her neck, now roamed her shoulders, her neck, and as he knelt, her breasts.  She moaned and tipped her head back, hands tangled in his hair.

He nibbled and sucked at her, making her squirm and moan as he removed the last of her underwear.  He looked up at her as she stood, naked and wanting, above him.

With a groan of desire, he stood again, pulling his own clothes off, jeans at his ankles. Her fingers raked his chest, and her hips arched to him. She cried out as he lifted one leg and pressed himself against her. 

Feeling she was as desperate as him for release, he hoisted her up, her legs coiling around him as he slid into her.  She ground against his every thrust, moaning more and more loudly until, together, they found the release they so desperately sought.

Coming down, he rested his head against her chest, panting.  She curled her arms around him, resting her chin on his head. 

"Welcome home, darling." She breathed, "welcome home."

Tom couldn't speak, couldn't move, he was overwhelmed by the emotion that thundered through him. 

"Molly, my darling Molly." He whispered, like some kind of prayer.  He kissed her more gently now, "I'm so sorry I left you alone."

"Shhh darling, you're here now. That's all that matters." She stroked his hair away from his forehead, now beaded with sweat.  "You came home for me. You really did that.  You came home." She was smiling, although her face was streaked with tears.

Tom eased her back to the floor, "Of course I did love.  What on earth would make you think I would let you face this alone? I love you, my darling. Your pain is my pain. Your joy is my joy. " he helped her with her discarded clothing, smiling at her blushes. He always found it so cute that when they had finished enjoying each other, after abandoning all inhibitions in the most wanton and lust-filled moments, she reverted to sweet, loving, and really quite shy Molly.

"Thank you." She said quietly as she replaced her clothes. "Would - would it be ok if we talked for a bit? I know you'll be tired..."

Tom stifled a snort, and she flushed all over again, "Actually, I meant from travelling!" She added, sticking out her tongue. Tom did the last of her shirt buttons up and smoothed down her collar.

"I know, sweetheart. I just think you're so cute when you blush, I can't resist making you do it!" He shrugged, "what can I say? I'm a bad boy!" He winked, and she smiled, taking his hand.

"Come on, let's open a bottle of wine and talk.  You WILL be staying, won't you?" She suddenly felt nervous for reasons she couldn't fully understand.

Tom looked at her and delved into the inside pocket of his jacket. "Yep!" He proceeded to brandish a toothbrush like a trophy, and she laughed, fear gone.

They talked late into the night. Coming to no real conclusions other than she would wait to see if her father contacted her again.  Although she wasn't going to seek him out, they decided that if , and only if he made contact, she would hear him out.

The compassionate side of her had won.  Her desire to lash out tempered by the realisation that she really did need to know. Why. Why they left and why he was back. Despite all her misgivings, she needed answers. She needed peace.

"You're stronger than you know, darling, and braver than you think . And I will be with you every step of the way." He hugged her tightly and took her wine glass, setting it down beside his own.  "Now, it's time for bed kitten. Things are going to be stressful. You'll need all the rest you can get."

Snapping off the light, they stood and walked away to bed. 

Things would be more than stressful. Things were about to be turned upside down.

Starting with who she'd always believed she was.

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