Eternally Yours

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She woke sometime near dawn, as the first fingers of daylight started to creep into the room. Turning, she looked into the face of the sleeping God beside her, and her heart fluttered, and her stomach clenched. So it was true. It hadn't been a dream. No, definitely not a dream. She smiled to herself. Not if the warm but slightly sore feeling she now enjoyed was anything to go by. They had more than made up for lost time...

Tom had carried her into the bedroom and set her down, still kissing her. He had closed the bedroom door, although privacy wasn't an issue, still kissing her. He only stopped kissing her when she walked away to close the curtains and put on a couple of side lamps.

He sat on the edge of the bed, waiting. Was she sure? Was she really asking what it seemed? He was almost 99.999% sure, but he waited. She left him in no doubt.

Slowly, carefully, she stood in front of him and undressed. He watched as she peeled off each article of clothing, never breaking his gaze and discarded it to the side in a heap. She smiled gently, biting her lip, a faint blush to her cheeks. He watched, his own arousal threatening to cut short this tease, this delicious introduction. He could feel his breath becoming rapid, shallow, every nerve tingling in anticipation. He watched as her eyes changed from their usual beautiful greeny blue to almost black as the desire - mirroring his own - took hold.

When she was finally naked, she climbed onto the bed and crawled behind him. He tried to turn, to speak, but she silenced and stilled him with her fingers pressed to his lips.

"No," she said in a low, husky voice, "let me."

Kneeling behind him, she made his face forward and then slowly trailed her fingers round and down his chest to the waistband of his jeans. With a nimble movement, she pulled his shirt out, her fingers trailing over his stomach, making him stiffen and groan slightly. She kissed his neck,

"Shhhh, my Prince, all in good time." she had no idea where this was all coming from. It just seemed to happen. She decided to let her subconscious take control. Every fantasy she had ever had, made real.

One by one, she undid his shirt buttons and then pulled it from him. Throwing it into the pile with her clothes, she began to kiss his back, feather light, across his shoulders as her hands roamed over his chest. She brushed over his nipples and he groaned again, tipping his head back.

"Oh kitten..." he breathed."Oh little kitten, don't tease me... please.."

She smiled against his neck and nibbled gently. This was torture for her too, but torture she was enjoying as much as she could see he was. Now she moved and pulled him back to lie on the bed. Quickly, she straddled him and could feel his arousal as she sat on him, kissing his chest, nibbling his neck, feeling his hands on her back.

"Nearly there, my Prince, be patient." she took his hands and held them against the pillows above his head. "No touching, not yet."

Now, she scrambled down the bed, and in seconds, his jeans and underwear were gone. She sat astride his legs, just looking. Her heart pounded at the sight before her, his body, lithe and muscled, all hers. Now he sat up and grabbed her.

"No more teasing kitten," he growled softly in her ear as he pulled her close. "No more. My turn." he flipped her over and pinned her to the bed. Looking up at him, she smiled.

"As you wish my Prince, I am yours, do with me as you see fit." her voice almost cracked with emotion. This was every dream, every fantasy, every hope she had ever had. And now? Now it was real. Now it was with the man she truly loved. Would always love.

"Oh kitten..." he leaned on one elbow and looked down, kissing her deeply. His free hand roamed her body. He caressed her breast, stroked her stomach, traced the line of her thigh, and came to rest in the cleft between her legs. She moved slightly, and he slipped his fingers further between her now glistening folds. "Oh kitten..." he repeated, his eyes black, his lips kiss swollen and his desire blatant.

His body soon followed where his hand had been.

They had writhed and turned and kissed and loved. He whispered his love, his devotion, his need for her. He had moaned and cried out in his passion. She called out to him over and over, trying to draw him in closer and closer mentally and physically. Each fulfilling a missing piece of their soul neither had realised they had. Building until they had finally cried out together, at last sharing a climax, neither had ever felt the like of before.

Now, in the morning light, she looked across at not only her love but her lover. Complete was the word that came to mind. But not quite content. She was almost content. Almost. That, though, was something no night of passion could fix. That was something only the small, yellowing envelope currently in her handbag could solve.

Tom stirred, opening his eyes and looking at her like she had been gone for a hundred years. He smiled,

"Morning, beautiful," he whispered. "Love you," his hand emerged from under the quilt and stroked her cheek. "You look worried, darling. I don't like to think of you worried, speak to me kitten? Are you having doubts? About Rome.....about us?" his eyes had gone from wonder to fear.

"No, not at all, love. I'm sorry. " she grasped his hand and kissed his palm, "I'm just thinking about the letter. Let's take it with us." she looked at him, and he nodded. "I feel like I should say something profound right now, Tom, but all I can think of to say is I love you. I love you so much." her eyes glittered with unspoken emotion.

"Oh Molly, my darling Molly. " he reached over and pulled her close, "We still have a little time before we have to get up. Let me hold you, my love. Let me take away your fear. That you love me gives me strength enough for both of us. Whatever you want to do with the letter is fine by me. I just want YOU to be ok." he snuggled her in close, wrapping his arms around her, enveloping her in his warmth and his protection. She inhaled his smell, of lingering aftershave, of their night of passion, of his devotion, and felt at peace. If 'peace' was a physical thing, it was Tom's embrace.

As they drifted off together, sleep returning for another brief hour, Molly knew that Rome was going to be the most memorable trip she had ever had. Even she, however, had no idea just how memorable.

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